Chapter 70

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*Martina's pov
I climb in Jorge's cabin. I turn my phone off so no-one can call me. I hide myself. From the outside world.
Perhaps is Jorge the only one who knows that I am here. He and his Father are just so.. annyoing me. They can't get angry on me. Because they don't trust each other. So i just stare a little around. Every where are pictures, old toys, games and whatever. Even if Jorge isn't here. I feel him around me. Closer than ever*

??:Martina are you in there?!

*someone is shouting at me. I reagonize his voice. It is Jorge. I don't answer back. I just wait*

Jorge:There you are

*he crows to me on his knees. And sat down next to me*

Jorge:Are you allri-

Martina:Shot up!

*i beat his arm away*

Jorge:Ey! Where is that good for?!

Martina:You want to know?


Martina:I am getting sick of it okay?! Now you and your father argue again. Is it all my faulth! But NO! this isn't my faulth! This is your Mistake! You two don't trust each other at all! You never go to your father to visite him a-

Jorge:Because he never listen to me!

Martina:Than you should do something about that Jorge! You guys bring the problem to me! Okay? To me! I am just your Girlfriend!

*he stares at me. But he doesn't say anything*

Jorge:I never tought about it on that way

Martina:Well. You should

My Summer Love (part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ