chapter 12

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*martina's pov
I follow jorge, and i don't know where we are going to. I just follow him. It is a kind of weird. I mean..i am not working. He stop walking. But i still can't see anything special*

Martina:So.. where is eh..
Jorge:Over there

*i look up. And i see a house from wood on a tree*
Jorge:Well.. I come here since i was 7. So yeah. Enough things to do
Martina:You made it?
Jorge:Yeah. And eh you are the first one who i show this

*i can't believe my ears. He is so cute. Well. He is tuff ofcource. But his nature is so sweet and kind*

Martina:And how do we get in there?
Jorge:You have to climb
Martina:Oh holy crap
Jorge:You can go first. I will come behind you so i can cath you if there are problems
Martina:Cath me..oh mamamia
Jorge:Babe. It will come fine

*he laughs a little.*

Martina:Okay okay then

*i start climbing. And i see that he comes behind me*

Jorge:Why do you stop?
Martina:Because i am hell scared
Jorge:Hey i am behind you
Martina:Wow now i feel safe. I think that you like to see my ass

*i hear him laughing. And before i knew it he was standing next to me*

Jorge:Give me your hand. I will help you

*he climbs a little higher. And he raises me up. So we are face to face. I let my breath go. And i see his hair moving because of it. While his hands still hold me fast*

Jorge:There we are
Martina:Eh yeah

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