Chapter 39

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(That night)
*i bring her again to the hotel. We walk to her room*

Martina:Today was fun. I think that i have learn alot


Martina:A shh. I have won one time!

Jorge:Only because I helped you!


Jorge:C'mon. Without me you still would stood over there

Martina:Okay okay. I won because the master teached it to me

Jorge:You mean me?


*she opens the door from her room*

Martina:Eh thanks for today

Jorge:No problem

Martina:I love you

*she kissed me soft. But in no time. She slowly removes her lips from mine*

Jorge:You really do already stop now?

Martina:Hey. It is our secret remember?

Jorge:Yeah i know..but i still can come inside

Martina:Ah..and why?

Jorge:Because i want you to know..

*i walk inside her room. I close the door behind me. And lock it. She walks backwards while i follow her*

Jorge:That i never get enough of you

*she stand frozen by her bed. I move to her. And i touch with my hand her cheeck. She lays her right hand above it*

Jorge:I don't comain about it. But i won't leave without just something more

*she sat down on the bed. While she looks up to see my face. I sat down on my knees. So we are almost face to face. I lay my hand on her knee*

Jorge:Don't be concerned. I always will love you. I really will

*she still doesn't answer me. I move closer to her face. And kiss her.  I fall down on her bed. I feel her body under mine. She grabs my arm. And she whispers my name *

Jorge:Something wrong love?

Martina:I eh.. our time together.  for how long can we still do this? I mean..i will go back to Argetine after this vacation and-

Jorge:Martina. We have to enjoy our time together now. We will see what will happen in the future. But don't be concerned. Now i have you. I never will let you go again

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