chapter 22

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*martina's pov
I feel his lips touching mine. I become numb. His hands go to my back. I feel his lips playing with mine. It feels just..wait a second..WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!. I moved away from him. He still was trying to keep his lips on mine. But i moved away to fast*

Jorge:But Martina

Martina:This can't be right

Jorge:What do you mean?

Martina: We were kissing!


Martina:I can't kiss you

Jorge:Why not? It fellt amazing

Martina:Jorge..i am sad..i don't want to do things right now. I can't controll my emotions. Please. Just understand me

Jorge:So you hate me?

Martina:No! No i don't. I really understand that you wanted to make me feel good. And specially after that i told you my lovestory..But you don't have to do that. You're an amazing friend . Can we just..forget about this?

Jorge:I..Okay..But we still go to karaoke night together?


*we stand up. And i bring her to her room*

Jorge:Welleh..tonight was eh-

*she kissed me on my cheeck before i could say more*

Martina:See ya tomorrow

*she closed the door. Does she really not understand that i am in love with her? I want to kiss her again and again. She is beautiful. And she will not be forever alone. Everytime. When i have the chance to kiss her. I will take it

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