Chapter 50

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*i feel someone tickle my back soft. I open my eyes slowly. It is Jorge. I hold his t-shirt in my right hand and i close my eyes again to enjoy this moment*

Jorge:You are awake nah?


Jorge:How does this feel?


Jorge:I know

*there was a silence between us. Really. I almost could fall insleep when he does this*


Jorge:You have a message from .. mechi. Who is she?

Martina:My best friend.  What does she say?

Jorge:Hey tinita. I hope you have a life time. And when you are back i want to hear all the details. Details?

Martina:Oh..just girl talk

Jorge:Just girl talk? *i hear in his voice that he talks higher. So i open my eyes and look at him*

Martina:Yes. But girl talk is better than boytalk

Jorge:Oh really?

Martina:Yeah. But don't argue about this. That is waist of time

Jorge:Ah. Well..

Martina:Can you do me a favor?


Martina:Do exectly what you just did

Jorge:Ah so that isn't waist of time?

Martina:No.  Ofcource it isn't.

Jorge:You just enjoyed it


Jorge:Okay than. But first a kiss

Martina:A kiss?

Jorge:Yes. Just do me a favor

Martina:Hm. Prince Charming

*i smile to him and kiss him. Not for long. But just powerfull. I lay my head down again on his chest. And close my eyes. You know. Somethimes you have to enjoy just the little moments in life. Because life isn't about years, weeks or days. It is all about moments

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