୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐱.

Comenzar desde el principio

"I... I don't really know what I'm feeling. I guess the wedding brought back memories I thought I forgot. It kinda took me by surprise."

"Good memories?"

"You can say that." She pauses again, clearly hesitating. Like promised I don't push it. "When I married Rose's father... I never thought it would end like this, especially so soon."

I nudge her shoulder playfully, a part of me wants to lift the mood. "Tell me about your shitty ex, and I'll tell you about mine." I told her, wiggling my eyebrows. She looks at me for a second with a blank look on her face, as if to say 'are you fucking serious right now?!' but her act falls, and she eventually chuckles.

Yay! I made her smile!

"Deal. I mean, if we want this relationship to go further, we kinda need to talk right?"

"Yeah..." I realize that leans I have to talk about my ex... great, "Buuuuuuuut, I have ice cream and beer to help us through this though." That's when I get a real laugh out of her!

"You're the best."

I take everything out and hand Scarlett a sweater as it's getting kinda cold and windy. She slips it on, and it drowns her. That's fine because she looks cute right now, in my clothes. I do the same and put mine on, and I immediately feel better.

Reaching in my bag, I desperately look for a bottle opener and turns out I forgot it at home. Well, looks like we have to improvise. I get my keys, and rest the tooth underneath the grooves of the cap. Once it's loosened, I keep twisting the key upward and the cap suddenly flies right off.

I hold my hand out for Scarlett to do the same, and she slowly passes me her beer. "I didn't know you could open it like that." She mumbles and watches me open her bottle.

I take a sip, and let's get this pity party started. "Who first? Me or you?"

"Let's let fate decide." She grabs my bags and looks through my stuff. She takes out my wallet, finding a coin in there."Head or tail?" She asks as she makes a fist with her hand, and places the coin on top of her thumb.

"Head. No wait tail. Hang on, definitely head– Tail I mean tail." I could keep going, but Scarlett was getting impatient, playfully rolling her eyes at me being an idiot.

"You're heads I'm tail." She decided for me... fair enough. She quickly flips the coin, and caught it. She covered it before taking a look. "Fuck." She mumbles.

"What? What is it?" I lean towards her to see, but she takes her hand away.

"Head." She tells me... And for one of the best actresses, she can't lie.

"Liar." I joke but when I notice the look of pure dread on her face, I stop. I lean in to grab her hand, making her look up at me.  "Like I said, if you don't want to, that's fine." She nods weakly, and hesitate before telling me her decision.

In the meantime, I get the ice cream out and spoons. What... I'm hungry!

"I need some liquid courage." She sighs before taking a long sip of her beer and steals my spoonful of ice cream. "So Rose's dad... we met at a press event in 2012 I did for... I can't remember which MCU movie that was... probably Avengers but who cares. He was sweet and charming, we hit it off almost immediately and not even a year later we were in love and engaged." She pauses and takes another sip.

"Our lives were divided between Paris and New York until I got pregnant with Rose, and we settled in New York. I gave birth in 2014, we got married two months later and we were happy. It was everything I wanted. I had my beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband." She moves to get  closer to me, and I wrap my arms around her. She lays her head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath. "I guess ego got in the way. We both had busy careers, but I was the primary source of income..."

𝑳𝑨 𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑿 𝑭𝑳𝑬𝑼𝑹𝑺Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora