What the Rain Might Summon (15)

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As the night fell and the clouds began to rumble, you said goodbye to Satori, as she made her way off. You were sure she was still curious about what had happened with you and Tengen, as she seemed a bit stubborn on leaving.
"I'm fine, Satori," you smiled softly, "I'm just worried about you getting caught in the rain. I can't bother you relentlessly if you get a cold."
"Like a cold would stop me."
"You'd expose a recovering patient to an illness?" You teased.
She sighed raising her hands in defeat, "Alright, alright you brat, I'm off. Get some rest ok? Have a good night."
"You too Satori, get home safe."
As she walked out locking the door as she left, you were left truly alone.
Just you and the thoughts festering in your mind.

Mostly, you were frustrated that you were a prisoner. This sort of treatment was highly unusual, but you had deduced it may be due to your inexperience. While your skills had been determined enough to be an official Hashira by The Master, you hadn't heard a peep from him in so long. With him out of commission for the time being, it was obvious they couldn't afford to lose anymore Hashira, especially when one was being reckless with their life. Feeling like a bird in a cage was torture and being forced on bed rest while your broken ribs healed made the suffocation of this house worse.
What also didn't help was thinking about the argument between you and Tengen, right in front of Rengoku's grave no less.
You knew you'd have nightmares about that later tonight. Maybe going to the graveyard was a bad idea after all.
Worst of all you were getting restless in this bed. At least in the day you could look forward to Satori's visits, even if she barely spoke to you. At night though? All that awaited you were your thoughts and dreams.
"Forgive me, Satori," you called, as though she would respond, getting up from the bed, slowly making your way through the small house, to the front door. Peering out through the window, you saw a crow sitting on a fence post beneath a tree, eyes focused on the house. You waved sarcastically at it.
The crow cawed in response, but the rain was too loud to make it out. You wouldn't have cared about what it said if you could hear it anyhow.
While it was late, you needed some fresh air to clear your mind, and you'd be damned if you were gonna be forced inside like some fragile little thing.
Opening the door you stared down the crow, moving slowly and stepping out onto the raised porch, and leaning against the wall, making sure to make no quick moves and staying in sight of your makeshift warden. It stayed extremely vigilant for a few moments before relaxing back into its seated position.

The rich earthy smell engulfed you, as the heavy rain covered everything in sight. The dark gray sky loomed over menacingly as the clouds weighed heavy above. In the few moments you had, the haven of the porch made you feel secure, as though you could ground yourself to this feeling. But after those few moments you felt something, a presence that wasn't trying to hide itself.
It was obvious no demon would be coming to such a place. Did they really have someone spying on you?
"Hey!" You shouted through the storm, "I'm not leaving you bastard! Go the hell away and give me some peace for five seconds!"
You looked out in the storm, watching for a few moments. There was silence, but the presence stayed where it was.
Until you heard screaming, and watched as a hand swung out from the bushes, swinging at the crow on the fence post. It cawed in protest at the swing, and flew high into the tree, disgruntled at such behavior.
"I AM A GOD! THE POWER OF THE FESTIVAL IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, CROW!" The strong voice of Tengen Uzui making himself known.
Maybe it was time to go inside. You turned, starting to head back inside until you heard running.
You turned again to see him sprinting at you, fast as could be.
"Holy shit, what the hell are you doing?" You called as you rushed to open the door and fling yourself in doors.
Well that was technically true as he said it, until the slick grass under his feet caused him to fall.
"Gods on high, you're a mess. What is wrong with you?" You ask through a half closed door. All he does is giggle and then wince a bit.
"Shit , Uzui," you call, limping out. You'd seen this behavior from townsfolk as you travelled, "are you drunk?"
"Ha, nooooooo," he giggles, lifting himself up, white hair and pale skin covered in muck, "okay maybe, but don't tell Suma ok?"
"Go home Uzui," you sigh, shouting from the patio.
"I don't know where that is," he calls back. He continues to sit in the mud, eye wandering but eventually falling onto you. The pink that flushed his pale cheeks and amused smile were a stark comparison to the seriousness in his eye.
"Do your wives even know where you are?" You call, hiking up the bottom of your clothing, and heading out into the rain. You eventually stand in front of him, as he looks up at you, face flush, but looking a bit sick.
"Ha, I love my wives," he mumbles.
"I'm sure you do." You look out at the tree line, searching for other people. You couldn't sense or hear anything through the storm brewing above. It was obviously only going to be worse.
"Get up," you command, "you can't stick around out here."
He looks up at you sheepishly. Silence hangs in the air, the rain filling the void where words should be.
"Do you need help?"
"Ha! No! I'm a god," he jeers back.
"And you're also running around obviously lost in the middle of the night. Gods make mistakes sometimes."
"Well then what's the point of being a god?!" He slurs.
"Splendid question, 'God of Festivals'." You mock, holding out your hand.
He reaches up, taking it, and your bones creak and muscles ache as you lift him with practically no assistance.
Once he's up, it's obvious he's practically useless, falling forward with almost his full weight on you.
"Oh hell, you're heavy."
"That's not very nice."
"Well don't lean on me so much," you grumble, grabbing his arm and putting it over your shoulders. He falls forward, but you're able to grab him on the other side, steading him.
"I hope you know you owe me." You groan as you drag him up onto the raised porch, fumbling with the door before helping him inside.
"You're funny!" He laughs boisterously, words still slurring together. You eventually get both of you inside, closing the door and shivering a bit from being absolutely drenched.
Tengen looks down at you beaming. You can't look at his face too long, still full of guilt.
"At least your a happy drunk," sighing, you help him through the door of the home, "C'mon, it's warmer in here."
Tengen seemed to just giggle to himself, humming a tune, then giggling again.
Inside the small wooden house, was a thin hall, the room you'd been staying in and then a quaint sitting area with a fire place, which would be the warmest area. Entering the sitting room, you're eventually able to lower him somewhere he can sit, with only minor trouble.


"My ass hurts," he says, laughing through the word ass.

"That'd be that wonderful mudslide you did. Aren't you proud?" you kneel in front of the fireplace, it's dull flame soon fuller as you add logs. You poke the fire around a bit until the flames roar happily. The hunger of the fire satiated, you turn to see Uzui's face a half inch from yours.

"Holy shit! What are you doing?" You jump, as his eye focuses heavily on you.

"You don't smile very much do you?" He asks voice as loud as the rain pounding outside.

"So what?"

"Makio smiles way more than you do."

"Maybe that's because she's your wife."

"Would you smile more if you were also my spouse?"

Holy shit, what? What the fuck is he on about?

"Uzui if you don't back up, and stop trying to make fun of me, drunk or not I'm going to beat your ass."

He holds your eye contact for a very, very long pause. You began to feel the magmatic heat in your body rise, but for what reason you were unsure. You were irritated, yes, but far off from angry. This heat didn't feel like the kind you usually held.

Uzui snorts, a wide grin breaking out on his face that just moments ago looked so deadly serious, "You said ass! We both said ass!" He hollars, as if announcing to the world.

God, he wasn't a happy drunk he was a childish drunk.

You sigh deeply, ignoring the aches in your bones, getting comfortable and preparing for a very, very long night ahead of you. You could feel you'd be needing it.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ