Apologies from the intercom (7)

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It was nearing a full day since you had slept and you were more than ready to knock out, if only for a few hours. While it worried you a bit that you were so tired, when normally you could stay awake for two to three days comfortably, travelling and achieving missions, the body tended to need more rest when injuries were involved. It was hard to think about, your most recent wounds still fresh on the body and mind.

It was a mistake really, you had gotten too confident. Several demons all terrorizing a village, one close to where you were raised. They were supposed to be simple, the only reason you'd been sent was because the lower Demon Slayers were all busy at the moment, and the Demons had truly been causing chaos in the town. Once you had cut the last of their heads off, beginning to walk off proudly as the sun rose, one final demon had slipped through your grasp, and wanted to make you pay.

The demon resembled a beetle, with deadly serrated pinchers to match. With one last breath, it lunged, aiming to cut you in half, but thankfully you'd stopped the attack. Quickly, you'd deflected one of the pinchers, but still taking a rather deep slash to the side, thankfully missing anything important. As the demon looked up at you angrily, it's head barely attached, you used one hand to swing the final killing blow, while the other hand tried to defend your body. As he crumbled away, slowly but surely you had begun to feel it, poison dealt from the beetle demon's attack.

You were lucky, the man of the house had summoned a doctor by the time you'd arrived, otherwise the poison would've taken over, Total Concentration Breathing or not. This scar was not going to be one for the books for sure.

"We need to talk strategy," Tengen said, sitting down, pulling you from that unfortunate memory.

"Strategy can wait a couple of hours," you groaned from where you lay, turning your head, "Let me sleep, you fool."

"It cannot, we need to begin our research into likely spots the demons could be." 
"Look, bud, I get that,really I do,-"

"So then you should have no problem talking strategy right now." It's almost chilling, to speak to him when all of the usual humor in his voice has left.

"Uzui. Please. As your comrade, I really need you to hear me." You tried to soften your gaze through your annoyance. Remember, his wives are missing. He's rushing for a reason, don't snap at him. "It's going to take the boys a second to settle in so they can get information without coming off as suspicious. Tomorrow is when the real work begins, and we need to be rested and prepared for that."

"Fine," he stands, looking down with a cold gaze, "Rest. When the sunrises we strategize."

"Tengen, reconsider the fact you need sleep too. We can sleep in shifts, even."

"I was a shinobi before I was a Hashira. I can go days without sleep." He says, walking to the far side of the room.

"Yes, so that begs the question, how many days have you not slept?"

There's nothing but silence from your peer, whose seemingly chosen to ignore you.

"Ok," you sigh, "Have it your way. Just please, think about what your wives would want. I know they're your top priority, but if even one of them was here, what would they tell you to do?"

"Go to bed, pipsqueak." His voice isn't harsh, but there's a tension in the air. Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned his wives.

"Sure thing." you lay down, mumbling before you doze off, "I'm sorry, again about them. We'll find your wives, I promise."

Further into the night, waking in and out of sleep, you swear you see Tengen nodding off, but you couldn't be sure.

The next few days are filled with observing. In the day during the cleaning time Inosuke and Tanjiro meet with you, filling you  in on what's happening. You relay information back, sure to keep it brief, still finding time to check in on them, before you head out. Tengen tells you about Zenitsu, and you both talk and relay information, strategizing and taking the night to climb the the roofs, patrolling for demons.

"I don't get it." You sigh, "We're up here, every god forsaken night, and down there every day. Where is this thing? Hey, are you listening?" You gaze fell on your companion, before realizing he's deep in thought. You let the fortunate moment of silence be, in the meantime, you thought about the things you were told. There were whispers in some houses, Suma in Tanjiro's house for example. In other houses it was a bit harder, like how Inosuke still has nothing to report except his clothes suck and he hates not talking, which is when you always have to remind him to keep it quiet, short, and simple. No one has been found yet though, which is the most concerning part.

"A twelve Kizuki."


"I think we could be facing a Twelve Kizuki." Tengen grins.

"No shit huh?" you sigh, "That'll make for an interesting fight. Flashy, like you want."

"I'm almost glad you insisted on coming along," Tengen flashes a big smile at you.

"Yeah, I mean my makeup skills are what got the boys into the houses in the first place."

"Uh, yeah, I'm sure." He makes a face of disbelief.

"Hey! Well if you don't like my makeup skills here's hoping you won't need a disguise. No amount of makeup can cover up that shit eating grin."

"Hey this shit eating grin got us through your horrible makeup." Tengen rolls his eyes, but covers his mouth, chuckling at the great offense you've taken.

"Oh please, you couldn't charm your way out of a barrel!"

"I wouldn't need to, you'd make that barrel look so ugly it'd explode from embarrassment."

You'd been fighting back laughter, but you couldn't help the laugh that travelled up your throat, forcing itself out. A few weeks ago this might've really pissed you off, but in few days you'd spent by each other's side, it'd begun to feel less tense between you two. The annoying arguing had begun to turn to banter, the animosity had eased, leaving room for comfortable silence, and teamwork. You had to admit though this was a very serious mission, these small moments were comforting, and it made you feel less alone that you had on other missions.
Your laughter was cut short by a searing pain from the wound at your side, startling you as you lose some balance on the rooftop you'd perched on.
"Woah, careful now, don't want you falling off the roof before we get a stab at that demon." Tengen scoots closer, hands out, attempting to stabilize you.

"I'm good, promise." You try to beam back, but all the laughing, running, and jumping has really pulled at your stitches. Damn that beetle. "It's nothing major, hurt my pride more so than anything."

There's silence between the two of you, as you feel Tengen's gaze on you, maybe trying to get a read on you.

"Seriously, I'm good. I know we're supposed to disclose injuries before missions, but it's not that bad. I was just so worried about those girls. I'm not going to hold the mission back."

"Don't apologize for protecting other people." Tengen says, once again, voice dry of humor, "I'm not proud of the way I acted. But I had to do what was necessary. I care about my wives more than anything. However, no one should take the choices out of others hands." He looks down, contemplative," I was so worried about moving forward I didn't realize I'd lost sight on what was important."

You nod. It's an apology, in Tengen's own way.

"Well, I'm sorry that I said some kinda cruel things to you. You can be pretty alright sometimes.  Your breathing style is pretty cool too." All of the issues you had with Tengen Uzui wouldn't disappear in a matter of days, but at least having a fresh start would do some good. For your mission, and the future you had in the Corps.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now