Stubborness Never Dies (20)

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As soon as you had managed to get the phrase out, Tengen let his arm off your throat. By that point, your sight was full of black spots, and you coughed, gasping for air. He leaned back, allowing your airways grace again, a grace you hated to need. 

It wasn't pretty either, it was an ugly, grating gasp, gulping air like you'd never have it again, like a fire that almost went out. Through the black spots, you saw the sun looming behind Tengen's head, looming over the two of you. Was it enjoying the show too?  

Part of you wished for that pool of cold-water Satori forced you to throw yourself into right now, to help clear your mind. But right now wasn't the time for wishful thinking. You felt your opponent shift his weight back, like he was about to get up. Like this was over.

Like hell it was.

"Fuck you," you strained, voice raspy from the beating it'd just taken. The moment that his weight shifted, you shot up, grabbing wildly at the first thing you could sink your fingers into. However, that was difficult seeing as he was in fact shirtless leaving very little options. Without thinking, your left hand reached for his hair. Your fingers found the base of his skull, and you twisted them in his soft white hair, and locking him in place. Tengen in response shot his hand out, grabbing onto your throat. You didn't care, and you stared each other down, hatred meeting hatred, as he sat on your hips looking down at you.

"Guys stop! How long are you going to keep at this?!" Makio shouted. Even so, none of them came over to stop you. You didn't blame them, the two of you were seconds from killing the other.

"Fuck you Tengen," You hissed. Though you wanted to yank at his hair and tear him to the ground, starting another round of fighting, you held back. You hoped you could talk your way out of this one. In return, he didn't tighten his grasp, but the threat was there. A mutually assured destruction if either of you attempted anything on the other. You felt your body heating up, and you began sweating, your other hand flexing as you fought off the urge to start slamming your fist into his face. He looked down at you with damn near the same rage on his face as yours.

"You better let go or the only thing you'll be training for is the quickest death and an unflashy funeral."

"I won. You cheated."

"And I never yielded when you pinned me."

"That wasn't the rules we agreed upon and you know it. People who are weak cheat, people who are cowards cheat-"

"-Oh, like that move you pulled earlier?"

"-That wasn't cheating it was strategic. I won fair, you forced me to give up, and I refuse to accept that bullshit."

"I didn't ask you," Tengen pulled you forward, his barely contained rage playing out on his face. The added pressure on your neck made you tighten your grip in his hair, and your right hand closing into a fist. You didn't even get why the fuck he was mad, unless he was just a sore loser, "If you could accept it. I'm telling you, you forfeited and now you owe me a favor."

His long fingers slid up your throat, now cupping your jaw, light pressure on your pulse. You pulled slightly at his hair, and a sharp exhale escaped him from the pain. 

"I swear to the Gods if I didn't need you, I would kill you."

His eye flitted to either of yours, taking you in, "You couldn't if you tried, that much is obvious." He leaned down your grip on his hair loosening from the height advantage he had. Your faces were inches apart, "Now for that favor. You're going to stop throwing a fit, you're going to get up, and get. Away. From us."

The fingers of your right hand dug into the soft earth, willing to keep a level head. You felt the cool dirt heating in your hand.

"This is not over."

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now