Introducing Nightlife! (4)

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"I've told you before, give them a chance to catch up!" You called, keeping pace with your peer.

"Not happening, we need to reach out destination by nightfall."

"Then you can kiss your mission goodbye before it's started, I can't even sense those kids anymore, they're so far behind." It struck you that you'd both been running for quite some time and you hadn't even asked where this mission took place. Scolding yourself internally you asked, "Hey, where are we going anyway?"

"Why, the flashiest place I know, of course," Tengen grinned, "The entertainment district."

You reached out, grabbing his collar, stopping you both in your tracks. "You're telling me. You were trying to drag two children, who've never seen combat, to the Entertainment District?!" You hollered, shaking your colleague, "I'm sorry Uzui, I took you for a brainless fool, but maybe even that was thinking to highly of you! Are you kidding me?!"
"Will you knock it off?" He twisted out of your grip. "It's not like I wanted to but this mission is extremely important. I couldn't waste time asking The Master to bring in anyone, those two happened to be there, I did what I could on short notice."

"You're the short notice! I know we're doing this to save innocents but dragging more unwilling people into this, children especially, doesn't help anyone. You're lucky I agreed to come, and didn't tell Shinobu instead." You grumbled, "She would've had your head."

"Well she can punish me as she sees fit, when this is over. For now, this takes priority to me." Tengen brushed himself off, "Oh good you're finally here!"

"Finally? You ran off before we even knew what was happening!" Zenitsu cried.

"Heh! Cry baby! I could smell them from where we were! Is this where the demons are?" Inosuke turned excitedly, readying himself.

"No unfortunately, I'm sorry I stopped us all of a sudden, but it shouldn't be to long now!" You began to tense your muscles, preparing to leave once more.
"And since we're almost there, let's get ready for anything, pupils!" Tengen calls.

"We're ready Festival God!" Inosuke calls, as your eyes roll. Seems Tengen had decided to do his usual 'tell them you're a god' thing.

Nevertheless you were ready as ever to take off. As much as you hated to admit it, taking care of demons in small towns was very repetitive and while it was important, a fast pace big town sounded very interesting. And in the Entertainment District? This mission would surely prove a nice change of pace.

A few hours of sprinting and a sunset later, and you were all sitting in a carriage, entering the nightlife district. With the Hashiras in one, and the boys in a second cart, the determination to complete this mission fresh on your mind.

As much as you tried to steel your mind, it was hard to focus, with all of the lights and colors covering every inch and surface around you. Tall buildings everywhere seemed to be adorned with beautiful women, and lovely lights so bright they seemed to challenge the sun. The trees blossoming above were a sight to behold. The air was filled with the scents of perfume, food, and drink, while the noises surrounded you, all manners of voices calling out all kinds of things, some jeering, some flirting, others laughing drunkenly. Every sense was being so stimulated it was hard to focus on any one thing, which was surely what The Entertainment District so captivating to begin with.

"Listen up," Uzui called out, "Try not to stand out." Hilarious coming from the self proclaimed flashiest man ever, and it didn't help you were both carrying rather large and off putting weapons. Not to mention you're travelling companions were a kid wearing a boar head, the loudest complainer in the world, and a boy who carried a very strange box. Uzui continued, "We're only here to case the joint. And whatever you do, don't get out of the carriage."

While you had no intention to, it was like the universe wanted to be ironic, as in that moment there was a slightly strange noise. Not only strange, but demonic. Just for a moment it was there, a split second and it was gone, maybe lost in the cries of the crowd.
"I heard something, I'll be fast," you call, as you hopped out, searching around.

What was it exactly? It sounded almost like crumbling but from where? You sniffed the air but nothing even with your heightened senses stood out to you. What a strange noise it was, too. If only it was a bit quieter, it'd be easier to pin down where it could've been from. You looked around once more only making eye contact with folks confused at the person standing in the middle of the walkway, searching for something that didn't seem to be there.

"Get back here dammit!" You heard Tenzen call from further ahead. You groaned but headed back. Maybe it'd be easier to hear during a different time.

As you walked back, you saw Zenitsu, looking around curiously, "C'mon, let's go." you took hold of him, dragging him back to the group. Further ahead, Tengen was busy collecting the other two. For once you didn't hear a complaint from the young man, and as you looked back you saw him staring up at the lights that danced throughout the district, captivating him.

Well at least that's what you thought until you saw him blushing from the ladies upstairs giggling at you both. "Nuh uh," you pulled him ahead of you, "You're too young for that." You kept a grasp on the boy, even after everyone had regrouped.

"And where did you go off to? I at least expected the other Hashira to stay put!" Tengen grumbled at you, releasing both boys in his grasp. The group continued to glance around, as Uzui officially introduced the Entertainment District. Although you tried to pay attention it was hard with that strange noise fresh in your mind. You made a mental note to tell Uzui later.

"What kind of place is this?! There's too many people to even count!!" Inosuke cried out.
"Maybe we should've taken them to somewhere to regroup first before-"

"Make way chumps! Cause I'm comin through!" Inosuke called.

"Hey! Get back here moron!" Tengen called.

Suddenly, Zenitsu was nowhere to be seen. Again.

You groaned, as you chased Zenitsu with Tanjiro. To be fair, you were hoping for an interesting mission.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now