Getting Rid of the Weeds (22)

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Before you knew it, you were following Hinatsuru from the tree line to the front of her home. She led you down the hill, back into the small valley the home resided in, stopping in front of the two large plant beds that sat in front of Uzui's home. Her hair swished in its high ponytail, and she seemed so calmly casual, which was incredibly off putting to her lack of noise. You followed in silence, until she stopped abruptly in front of you.

"So...?" You offered, when you had stood in silence a little longer than you were comfortable, "What did you need help with?"

"These," she motioned her hand to the plant beds. There were two large ones, that started rather far away from the home on either side of path leading to the porch. They were rather wide, and both held rather lively plants.

"Uh... alright, what about them?"

"Well, this one specifically," She motioned to the one on the right, "Is infested with weeds."

"Oh?" You walked over next to her, scooting a bit when she came too close. You took a look at the plants, eyes moving from plant to plant. There were a variety of them, and none looked malicious, "I don't see any weeds?"

"Maybe not," She sighed, walking over to a flowering purple plant. She grabbed it, and it came up in her hand without a fight, "But the plants are showing signs of weeds. See this?" She pointed at the root ball at the bottom, "These roots here aren't from the plants I planted. They wrapped themselves around this plant and suffocated it. That's why it's sort of yellowing, it's already dead."

Upon closer inspection, the plant did look a little off. It didn't really help that you knew fuck all about plants.

"Alright. So where do I come in?"

"I can't believe," you grunted, yanking the plant by the root, pulling with a good amount of strength, "These things are so fucking, holy shit-" The root came free in your grasp, and you nearly fell back on your ass, "-so fucking hard to get out."

You took a moment, breathing deeply, fingers covered in the rich soil. It covered your hands almost completely, and it was everywhere. Under your fingernails, staining your palms. 

Above, the sun was back, and high in the sky, but at least today the wind was frequent, gracing you with cool breeze against your hot skin. You had expected to make quick work of the weeds with Hinatsuru, but it had been hours at this point, and to no avail. Every time you reached into the dark soil, a new weed made it's appearance, the tightly coiling root balls your only sign of where they were.

The two of you had been at this for a while to say the least, and this was maybe the first time you'd spoken. Hinatsuru had talked enough for the both of you, but you didn't mind in the slightest, appreciating that she let you answer in nods and "mhms". 

"I know," Hinatsuru was across the plant bed from you, hands on her knees, recovering from her own battle with the things, "They're a pain in the ass, right?"

"I'll fucking say, gods on high. You know when you asked me for help, I didn't think it would be this."



"We've been fighting with them for the past week," she sighed, and put her hands on her head, trying to open her airways, "I don't know how they ended up sowing so deep before we realized. We're going to have to find out, so we can prevent this in the future." A wave of slight annoyance passed over her face at the thought.

"I can't help much with that, unfortunately," You reached down, wrapping your hand around the next exposed root, "Just with the pulling part."

"Either Suma or Makio will know what to do with them, and combat them, hopefully," she followed in suit, grappling with another weed, though it proved less difficult to pull than yours.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن