Its time to wake up (13)

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Finally, when the nothingness ended, and consciousness began, your eyes began to open. The sun beamed through the window next to your bed nearly blinding you. You became aware of so much pain in your body, and damn your throat was dry.

You slowly moved your hand, feeling what was beneath you. A cot? Your eye movement was limited, but you saw right next to you, a little girl with pigtails and a butterfly clip on each side.

"You're awake!" She yelled, two inches from your face, "Aoi, they're awake! The Hashira is awake!"

"So loud..." you mumbled, it felt as though your head was stuffy and full of cotton. You closed your eyes, trying to get your bearings.

"Awake? What do you mean? Are you sure?" You heard footsteps, as you cracked open your eyes once more, above you stood a young lady with wide eyes staring down in awe.

Who was this? She was familiar.

"Hello Aoi." You managed a small smile, as your memory flooded back. "Did they all make it back?"

She looked down at you, eyes welling with tears, and nodded.

"Good. Seems I can keep a promise." As you smiled a bit wider, cracking your dry lips. 

Everything felt so strange, almost as though it wasn't real. Looking up at Aoi felt almost like you were in the clouds, and a golden hue surrounded everything you gazed upon. Even your voice didn't seem right, it was so hoarse and raspy. 

"Could I have some water please?"

"Of course!" She nodded furiously, before sending off the other little girl for a glass.

As your brain slowly came back to its senses, your body was still a bit groggy, but you were able to look around, moving your head was difficult, but manageable. It seemed you were in the far-right bed, the ones to your left being empty. It felt weird being in a room alone after the mission.

"Where is everyone? What happened?" You asked. Good, your voice sounded a bit better.

Aoi sighed, "Well, we're still trying to get ourselves back together after everything that happened. As far as I've been told, The Master has been struggling far more health wise. But I know Zenitsu has woken up a few days ago. However, Tanjiro and Inosuke..." Her words trailed off as the little girl with pigtails returned. She passed the water to Aoi who cradled the cup as you drank. It was the best water you'd ever had.

"As for what happened," Aoi continued, "I'm not sure on everything, but from what I've gathered you all defeated the Twelve Kizuki that resided there."

You sighed with relief, laying back from the empty cup.

"Although, I thought you out of everyone would've known what had happened."

You thought for a second, but the harder you tried to remember the more your head hurt, "All I remember is Uzui and myself were facing off with the two demons, and then after that, all I recall is having some awful dreams."

Aoi nods thoughtfully, "Well in any case, thank you for bringing those three back. With any luck, they'll be right as rain soon."

You looked up a bit confused realizing you didn't even know what time it was, let alone how many days it had been, "How long has it been since the mission?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Hashira, you wouldn't have known. It's been about three and half weeks since you all returned."

Well damn, that made a lot more sense in terms of how sore your body was. "I see. Do you know if there was anyone that's awake that specifically saw the fight that occurred with the Upper Six?  Maybe it could help with my memory."  You were trying to hide it, but not knowing what happened was freaking you out a little. This had never happened before.

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