Who am i? (12)

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Where am I?

That thought echoed as you gained consciousness. You couldn't even recall passing out in the first place. I'm so exhausted, why does everything hurt?

That didn't matter right now, where was Uzui? The demons? The kids?

Wait kids? What kids? You tried to recall, but the harder you thought the stronger the pain in your head got.
What was it you were thinking about? Kids! That's right, but what kids? Actually, you had known some kids once. Just once.

"Come on!" a little girl called, "Come play with us!" Her eyes flickered with mischief, as the snow fell upon her eyelashes. Her cheeks were red, cold regardless of the scraps you called clothes.
"I can't guys," you said, ignoring the pulling at your hand, "I have work today. You know that."

"Hmph!" Another kid pouted, "No fair, it's all the way in the next town over. You're gonna be gone for like, a hundred years!" They turned their eyes away from you, arms crossed. You smirked and poked the kid's face, as they in turn smacked away your hand and giggled. Both of these kids had such bad poker faces.

"Haha! What?" You set your pack down, kneeling in front of the two, "Wrong, maybe three days at the most."

"The orphanage is so boring when you're not here though." The kids whined.

"I'm sure it is, but you're creative, come up with a new game we can play when I'm back okay?" you smiled, patting them on their heads before standing, and grabbing your stuff, "I'm off now. Be good okay?"

"Okay," they agreed, before sending you off with a big hug.

When you had returned, the only thing that greeted you was fire, and the smell of death.

When someone had found you, you were unable to talk, your vocal cords had given out from screaming, eyes swollen from tears, and lungs heavy from the smoke. They had to knock you out, prying you away from what was once an orphanage. What had once housed kids you'd called family was desecrated, family you'd once known were coated with cinder and ash, with eyes forever unblinking.

Your brain forces you through another memory. You're bigger now, following The Master on a walk outside, him further ahead as you trailed behind.

"I don't get why I'm here." You call ahead to Ubuyashiki, "I don't need someone to train me. I can do this on my own."

"I understand, and am glad you believe in your strength. However maybe one of the Hashira could help you through your," he paused for a second trying to find the right words, "very strong feelings."

You groaned, "I don't need help with my anger if that's what you're saying. It's apart of my breathing technique."

"I'm sure it may help you now, but in the future it may prove a dull knife with no direction."

"If it's such a dull knife then why have I killed so many demons?" You jeered back. 

"Ah! Rengoku!" Ubuyashiki called, ignoring your taunting, "I've been looking for you."

"Hello Master!" a strong voice called. Ahead, there was a man around your age, if not a bit younger, with flamed hair and wide eyes. He was sitting on the ground, a spread of food out. "What can I do for you?"

"Well I'm sure I've told you about the most recent progeny," The Master gestured to you, "and here they are! I've been looking for a Hashira to take them on as an apprentice."

You sighed, crossing your arms, as Rengoku looked over at you. "Hmm," He walked over inspecting your form, looking you up and down. He briefly glanced in your eyes, which gave you a chance to stare daggers at him. Nothing was worse than someone trying to assess you like an animal.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now