Ive been hearing stories. (18)

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Author's note: I've changed some previous chapters to better match the story line, specifically chapter 13, but also, I've gone a little further back and edited some stuff that needed polishing. Feel free to just read this one but know it might not make much sense considering everything that I've changed. Thank you! -CM

"Get up."

To her demand, you closed your eyes pretending to be dead.

"You're still breathing, brat," Satori scowled, lightly tapping you in the ribs with her foot. It wasn't enough to hurt but to cause soreness.

"Oh gods!" You cried dramatically, rolling over holding your sides. Satori glared down in response.

"Up. Let's go."

Sighing, you rose to your feet, "Yes ma'am," before running another set of drills.

Your training with Satori was far more difficult than you had ever expected. In the first few days, you were to fully submerge your body in the deceptively clear water, training your total concentration breathing in deceptively difficult environments. Other days, when she was feeling especially evil, Satori would bring buckets of hot water to douse you before you swam, making the cold that much worse. Other days you focused on your quick attention to details, playing memory games with cards you would have to quickly memorize, before matching all of them as fast as possible. If Satori wasn't happy with your speed, you'd run until she was ready for you practice again. It didn't help that since she was your nurse and aid for days, she knew exactly what your limit was, and she pushed you to it every day, for two and a half weeks.

In those moments, you wondered if you were lucky to have her as your teacher over Rengoku, as you'd always heard his training was extremely challenging. That's when you remember and distract yourself with whatever exercise you were assigned.

"Alright, good warm up."

You groaned, in response. You weren't actually that tired, but complaining was just about the only way you could get on Satori's nerves but just enough that she wouldn't make you run drills.

"Here," ignoring your complaining, she threw two hatchets in your direction, "you'll need these."

"For what?"

"You'll know when we get there," she looked back at you, eyes full of mischief, "for now follow me."

She was off in a flash. You chased after, both axes in hand and weapon at your hip. Satori was incredibly fast, on par with plenty of higher ranked demon slayers, but you kept up, never losing sight of her.

You chased your mentor through the trees, past rocks further and further into the thick of the woods, before reaching a very small clearing. Satori stopped abruptly, and while the thought of tackling her came to mind, you elected to suppress the urge, in favor of keeping your mentor and nurse at least a little on your side.

"We're here."

"Here? There's nothing but more trees."

"Look around. Focus on your surroundings. You're judging the situation before you've even fully grasped what's around." Her tone was short but there was a layer of intention there.
Before objecting you took one more look around.

From an angle, you could see a gleam of a metal. Chains?

"There are chains on some of the trees!" You declared, proudness clear in your voice.

"Exactly. Those are the trees you'll cut down today."

"Easy." As you smirked you threw the hatchets to the side, drawing your blade.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now