Onwards, my friends! (And Tengen too I guess) (3)

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"Ok you can say what you want but you didn't have to smack her ass, it was unnecessary."

"Yeah yeah, you know nagging isn't very flashy."

"Well I'm not trying to be flashy, I'm trying to be reasonable, and kind, you overgrown tree trunk."

"Why don't you add Drab Loser to your title. The Magma Hashira, a Drab Loser, how does that sound?" Tengen jeered back.

"Wow that's almost as uncreative as your breathing style."

"Hey! My breathing style is as elite as it gets. At least I'm not the most boring Hashira here."

"Uzui." you glared up at him, "I'm not coming along for your shitty banter and annoying ego, you literally put the lives of young, untrained children in harms way. I don't care if you, the most gaudy person here, thinks I'm boring. I care about finishing this mission, and getting a million miles from you." You turned towards him, never breaking eye contact as he glowered at you, "So why don't you take your 'elite' breathing style and shove it-"

"Uhm, truly sorry to disturb," the young man, Tanjiro you had learned, waved uncomfortably, "Aoi said she can see anyone else before we leave."

"Thank you, Tanjiro." You began to walk off calling to Uzui. "I'm going to get checked up, why don't you brief the children." Wandering inside, you were praying Uzui wouldn't tell those boys to call him a god.

After entering, it was easy to turn the familiar corners of the mansion, before entering the nursing area, where Aoi sat.

"Hashira!" Aoi quickly sat up straight, in front of various needles and medicines, ready for whatever someone might need on short notice.

"Hello Aoi," you greeted warmly, "I was wondering if you could help restitch an injury I have on my side. Seems I was careless, and reopened it a bit on my return."

You hardly enjoyed lying but with the events that just took place fresh in her mind, she might feel guilty if she knew the real reason the injury had reopened.

"Yes, of course. Please, allow me to see the wound, and lay here," she motioned to the bed next to her, as she sterilized a needle.

You complied with her, removing what was necessary to be comfortable. At least, as comfortable as you could, knowing a needle would be in your side.

"Alright, it shouldn't take too long to patch this up, but it might sting. I could count down if you'd like?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm sure it won't hurt as bad as when I got it." you chuckled.

"As you wish," she said, and without hesitation began her work. While you were right, it didn't hurt as badly as when the demon had delivered the blow, it still wasn't the greatest feeling.

"Hashira, I want..well..thank you for what you did." Aoi clearly had been practicing this, but the awkwardness in her voice was easily detectable. "Naho was quite frightened, and, well, I wouldn't have known what to do if he had forced us to go."

"It was no problem at all. You have no reason to thank me, I was simply doing my duties."

"Of course, Hashira. You can sit up now." she said, as she finished disinfecting the area. "I know it might be a lot to ask but still.. could I request one favor?"
"Depends on the favor, but of course."

"Could you make sure those boys don't get killed?"

You looked back at her in a bit of surprise. You had known Aoi from seeing her around, especially from your few visits to the Butterfly Mansion, to speak to Shinobu, but you had never known her from that time to feel soft to a lot of people.

"It-it's just because every time they've come back here, they're absolutely torn to shreds and it'd be nice if we didn't have to spend all that time whenever they returned making sure they're not on deaths door." She stammered. It was sweet to see such a stern girl open up and care about those around her.

"Well, I ought to be going now." You stood, smiling down on her, "I can't make any promises but I'll do my best to watch out for them, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great," she mummered, looking down at the floor, "Oh! I almost forgot." She put together a small bag, handing the sack to you, "Since we don't know how long you'll be gone, I've packed you new gauze, and medicines so your wound won't get infected."

"Thank you very much Aoi, this really is remarkable on such short notice." It was hard not to notice her face get a little pink at the praise, "Alright, well make sure to take care of yourselves and the little ones!" You called as you left the room.

Following the same path back, you exited the house into the beautiful sunlight, the warmth of the day momentarily releasing the tension in your shoulders. You wondered what the old man was doing, hoping he had found an activity to occupy his day. 

Of course, all that tension returned when you heard yelling at the entrance of the mansion. What a surprise.

"You want creepy? I'll show you creepy!"

"Super creepy." Tengen jeered, making a disgusted face and Inosuke, the boar headed kid.


"Don't listen to him," you called, walking to meet the group, "You're not creepy, young man. He's just not very good at keeping certain thoughts inside thoughts."

"There's no way you're looking at this kid and not thinking he's creepy." Tengen adds, "Kinda like how people can just tell you're boring."

"I swear to the gods on high, Uzui-" you clenched your teeth.

"I'm sorry to be rude, but who exactly are you?" Tanjiro asked, "I mean, I know we've exchanged names, but I don't recognize you from when we met the other Hashira."

"That's a fair question," you beam back at him," I'm the Magma Hashira. You might not have seen me since my rank among the others is quite new."
It was hard not to see the awe in their eyes, but of course there was a tension that hung. It didn't need to be said, but it seemed they knew the unspoken truth of your new title.
"Well, anyway, I'll be accompanying on this mission, as Uzui apparently can't find willing participants without threatening kidnapping." The venom in your voice wasn't lost on the young ones as the sun boy, Zenitsu started to tremble a bit. You almost felt bad for the kid, as you continued, "This timing is quite convenient I will say, seeing as I was supposed to have some time off before my next mission to recover, I'm sure the Master won't take any issue with it. He'll send a crow otherwise. Now my young friends, let's head out!"

"Your right, enough fooling around. Let's go. Follow me." Tengen called. With that, you and him took off, the three boys following as best they could.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now