A Favor is Owed (16)

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The sunlight streamed into your room in the early morning, easing the tension you held, while packing up the little gear you had. Rolling back your shoulders, and taking a deep breath, you glanced to the window stepping in the light for a moment. Even though there was a barrier you could still feel the warmth kissing your skin. You only bask..
Why does this feel so familiar?
You open your eyes, and you realize the heat that you were enjoying is wrong. It's not a light heat, the kind that ebbs and flows, it's the kind that burns. And it won't stop till it's devoured everything.
Out the window that once beamed down light you see the Yoshiwara Entertainment District. What was left of it anyway. Everything else was rubble and a sacrifice to that searing hot heat.
The man you swing your head around, realizing. You can still save him.
This is his house?
Where is he?
The pack is now your weapon, as you fling yourself down the hall, instinctually letting your strides lead you to the back patio.
"Sir?! Where are-" the door flings open outside as you look around panicking, weapon brandished.
You stop in your tracks, looking out as the ash rained down on your home town.
Two children you knew once, just once, stand by the old man, as he faces the sky. His bloodshot eyes meet yours with disgust.
"I trusted you. I helped you."
"I know," your voice chokes, "I know I'm sorry, I just-"
The three say in unison, "You can't actually save anyone can you?"
Just as quickly as they begin to berate you, you turn to leave. Something isn't right, it can't be.
Sprinting back down the halls of the family you've betrayed, you hold back a sob. You have to get out, please go faster, just a little bit more.
You turn the last hall, facing the front door.
Tengen's face gazes back, his wounds fresh, blood dripping down his face, poison clogging his veins.
"You couldn't even face me, coward."
"I'm sorry-"
"Save it." He coughs up a little blood, "You could barely ask for help in a crowd. I should've known better than to have faith in a pathetic loser."
His boots clink, clink as he limps closer to you.
"Get out of my way," you sob, hot burning tears stream down your face, "Get the fuck away from me Tengen."
"I don't think you want that," his face twists into a snarl, before leaning down to your ear, "You'd do anything to get closer. Even if that means I die."
You can't do it, you couldn't take this. You shove him, harder and stronger than you'd ever pushed.  He stumbles back, holding his gut.
"I thought we were friends?" Rengoku looks up at you. Beautiful Rengoku, kind Rengoku, whose eyes were filled with betrayal.
"I-I, oh gods I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you sprint over, hands out to help him.
He pushes away weakly, "Why didn't you save me?"
The tears streaming down your face brighten as his life fades away. Your flames consume you entirely, and your heart is set ablaze with grief. The flames that consumed Yoshiwara and you were now one and the same.

A pounding on your door wakes you from your sweat drenched slumber, and you fling yourself up with a gasp. Your ribs are immediately throbbing, along with your eyes, as you wipe away tears. The sleeping form next to you and the sharp pain in your body reminds you of last night, and that you would never sleep on the barren floor again. Your head was pounding, maybe from the lack of sleep.

"Excuse me?" You heard a voice call, a light tapping on the door, "Is anyone here? Lord Tengen are you inside?"

You perked up as you realized who it was, "Hinatsuru! Give me a second, I'll be right there!"

You hear and exclamation as you realize all three of Tengen's wives are outside the door. You quickly wipe away the remaining tears on your face, then carefully you push your body up. When was the last time you'd had to fight like this to simply raise yourself off the ground?

"Fucking hell," you mumbled, as you felt some tension and resistance push against you, and though you pushed past it thankfully, you had a feeling your body would be sore for a while. You saw Uzui fidgit on the floor across from you, obviously awakened by the hollaring, but deciding against waking up.
"Hey, you bastard, I know you're awake. You're wives are here." You hear nothing but grumbling, as Tengen curls further away from your voice. Some might mistake his white hair laid around him as angelic but you knew better.
"Is everything ok in there?!" You hear Suma call anxiously.
"Yes, I'm sorry be right there." As you begin to walk to the door you hear Suma and Makio start arguing.
Finally opening the door, you see all of their eyes turn quickly to you, nervous but ecstatic, presumably because they'd found their husband.
"He's inside on the floor. He was running around in my front yard drunk, and the storm was getting bad. I didn't know where you all were staying so I let him stay here." You explain, moving to let the three enter your home, "And while that was so extremely fun, please get him out of here."
Suma wastes no time sprinting into your abode, throwing herself on the ground by Uzui.
"Lord Tengen," she coos, her hands gently stroking his hair," it's Suma. Are you ready to-"
She lets out and small oof as her husband flings himself up from the floor, wrapping his arms around Suma.
You roll your eyes at his sudden readiness to wake up, but turn and walk outside to give them their space. You weren't exactly sure what to do in situations like this.
On the wooden patio the noise from inside was more muffled, and you leaned against the wall tiredly. Looking out over the horizon, you watched the peak of the sun slowly begin rising in the sky. The glow of the morning cast a gentle light on everything. The trees, the bushes, the crow acting as your warden still watching from the tree. It snapped you back quickly, reminding you that the beautiful surroundings were nothing but a gilded cage as of now.
"Ok," Hinatsuru sighs in relief, peaking her head outside to look at you, "He's just getting his bearings. We should be out of your hair quite soon."
You nod, "No rush, I'm sorry you all had such a scare."
She smiles softly looking in at her life partners and husband, "I mean, it wasn't ideal, but that wasn't your fault. If anything it's our luck you took him in, even with," she pauses a moment trying to find the right word, "the history between you two. We greatly appreciate your help."
She glanced in, and you make your way over to the door and look in with her, watching Makio and Suma cling to Uzui. He looks at them lovingly, but you watch him grimace slightly and look at where his left hand had once been.
"We owe you, I hope you know," Hinatsuru continues, pulling your focus to her.
"No, really, you don't." You insist, holding your hand up. "I'll be honest I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart, and like you said we don't have a great history, him and I."
"Yes." She says sternly, grabbing your hand, "We do owe you. And even if it wasn't because you're kind you still-"
"You still what?" You hear Tengen's strained voice ask, as Suma and Makio help him through the front door.
"I was just saying that we owe them for helping you." Hinatsuru says, still holding your hand. You try to pull away but her grip remains strong.
"Like hell you do," Uzui mumbles, "I was basically kidnapped."
"Oh you're so right, next time I'll leave you in the rain screaming at the sky." You retort coldly.
"Maybe you should've."
It clicks in your mind in that instance. Instead of a snarky retort, a plan forms, not fully formed mind you, quick time decisions like this rarely are. But it's an idea, one that you must move on quickly.
"You know, I have a wonderful idea," you turn your attention back to Hinatsuru while also looking at Suma and Makio, "but would you mind terribly if he owed me instead?"
"What do you mean by that?" Suma asks, gripping onto Tengen's arm protectively.
"I mean, it's not any of your faults that he showed up here. But," you look up at him as you force tense eye contact. Your dream floods through your mind, but you hold it as he gazes back aghast, knowing what you're doing, "Its entirely his own fault that he's here. I think Uzui should be the one to owe me."
"I don't owe anyone you little-"
"I don't see why not." Makio shrugs.
"Seems fair to me," Hinatsuru nods.
"As long as it's nothing dangerous," Suma agrees.
"Hey! I'm right here! And I say no way in hell!" Tengen bellows.
"I don't know Uzui," you flash a snarky grin," I really went out on a limb to help you. What if I'd gotten in trouble for leaving? I think I might deserve a favor of sorts, for my trouble."
"Listen you little-" Tengen's rampant anger gets cut off by Makio, elbowing him and giving a tense look.
"Its not going to be anything big. Just consider it an open favor. An 'I owe you' kind of deal." You hold out your hand, still giving a lovely shit eating grin.
Tengen glances down at you, face full of rage and discomfort, you assumed because of the hangover he must have. But you also can tell he's out numbered, especially by his partners who looked as though they just wanted to go home.
He reaches over Suma, grasping your hand nearly cracking bones with his shake. Your sickeningly sweet smile doesn't waver as Uzui glares a hole into you.
"Well then, that just about covers business." You sigh.
"So it seems," Hinatsuru nods, "I suppose we'll see you around."
"Count on it." You wait outside watching, as the four make their leave. You don't make eye contact as Tengen turns one more time, glaring at you.
Further into the morning, the sun higher in the sky, Satori finds you sitting on the floor in front of the dying embers of the fire.
"What happened to you?" She asks. One could say in an annoyed tone, but you knew better.
"Not much, but I've got a favor at my disposal."
"What are you going to do with it?"
"I'm not sure, Satori." You look up, blankly, "That's what I've been thinking. What do I need from my greatest pain in the ass?"
She kneels in front of you, touching a few areas of your chest testing certain areas, "Is it who I think it is?"
"I'm sure you're smart enough to know."
"Well," she wanders into the small kitchen area of the house, "He's also your enemy, am I wrong?"
You chuckle, "Maybe not that word, but he's not a friend."
"Well," she walks back into the room, a warm piece of cloth over the areas of your body you'd winced at the most, "People that you hate tend to have something you need."
"How so?"
"I had someone once, before this. We were friends for a long time." A truly vicious look flicks across her face, before she calms herself, "And I despised her. But I stuck around because she was my greatest competition. Being around her meant I learned a lot about her."
"Her weaknesses?"
"Better. Her strengths. It's how I edged her out of the running."
"For what?"
She smiles down in a cocky manner, "For none of your business. Besides, I think you know what you're going to do. You've got a look in your eye."
You sat for a minute, waiting for the missing puzzle piece to fit.
What about strength did you need that he could give you.
"So? Do you know what you're going to do?" Satori asks impatiently.
You sit for a moment, before flashing a truly wide, toothy grin.
"You know what? I believe I do."

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now