the sound, and the argument (8)

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The sun is just barely risen when you wake. Being a light sleeper came with being a Hashira, but what had woken you? Most days Tengen had been waking you with his booming footsteps and boisterous voice before you woke up on your own. 

You're silent as a ghost, waiting in the silence for whatever had woken you, until you hear it. The noise, the crumbling followed by what sounded like scraping.

"Uzui? Do you hear that?" you look to the far end of the room, seeing him leaning against the wall, eyes closed. "Uzui?" It's no use, he must've finally collapsed from days without sleep.
You rise, getting dressed silently, listening, praying that you hadn't missed your chance.

That's when you hear it again. That strange noise, it's distant but there. It sounds less like crumbling now and more like sliding. Like a knife scraping against the ground.
One final time, you stop by Uzui, shaking him a bit, "Tengen Uzui, wake the hell up, c'mon!"
The only thing that changes is the rising and falling of his chest, there's not even brief opening of his eyes. He had really crashed hard, the only thing seemingly on his mind was the dreams in his head.
Giving up, you exit the lodging, seeing the final folks who had come to experience the festivities on their way home. You mumble apologies as you rushed past the crowd, heading instead deeper into the Entertainment District.

Where, where is it coming from? East, maybe? Gods on high you still couldn't pinpoint exactly where it was, and it was so faint by now, like it was traveling away from you.

There's a momentary distraction as you crash into someone, sending them tumbling as you regain your footing, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, are you-"

"Get off of me!" The man you had sent to the floor slurs. Great, he's plastered. "You should apologize!"

Yeah, that's what you were doing. Regardless this isn't the time "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I hope you're alright, but I really have to go." You say, trying to push past him.

"Woah woah, hey, where are you going?" A man blocks you with his body. Taking a glance, you realize there's a couple more people, two more men and a lady, surrounding you. "You really hurt my buddy. He could need a hospital."

"Then take him."

"Well medicine is just so expensive these days. Surely you can lend some money, since you did hurt him." Another one chimes in, the greed all but dripping off his voice.

You really don't want to deal with this right now but no way in hell you were giving these drunk assholes anything, "Y'know, sorry to say fellas, but I'm just fresh out of cash. But really, I'm sorry to harm you," you say to the man on the floor, trying and failing to get up. "Now if that's all I'll be taking my leave."

"Hey, you can't just walk away from us, you shit head!" The biggest of them interjects, reaching out to grab your collar. You groaned internally, readying yourself for a fight you really didn't want. 

The attempted grab you were waiting for never came. In a blink the man had been slammed face down into the ground, hand pinned before you can deliver your own blow in defense.

Looking down you see the looming figure to be your colleague. When the hell did Tengen get here? But more importantly, what was with that scary aura he had going on?

"I'm sorry I believe my comrade said they've got no cash. This is very flashy and for all the wrong reasons." In any other tone it may have come off as a joke but with the dryness in his voice and the scary look he gave out willingly, it seemed everyone was on his shit list right now.

"Get offa him!" Another one called, running towards Tengen. Well that just won't do.

"Not so fast," you say, grabbing the attacker's arm and flinging him away, shoving a little harder than you knew was necessary. The man tumbled a couple of feet away, into some onlookers who gasped, before turning to look right in your direction. Shit, this was starting to attract a crowd. "Folks, I'd say it's been pleasant, but it really hasn't so why don't we go our separate ways, okay? Okay." Quickly grabbing Tengen off of the man, you yank him quickly down the road, faster than the group of drunkards can follow, before turning an alleyway. Hopefully they'd be more worried about their friends than you two.

"God damnit," you mumbled, listening for the noise. It was gone.

"What were you thinking? Running off and not even telling me?" You turn and look at Tengen, who is looking down at you with that seriously chilling gaze.

"What was that about nagging not being very flashy?" 

"Flashy and moronic are two different things damnit. And you're acting like what you just did wasn't the most dangerous thing you've done this whole mission!"

"Tengen, they're drunk idiots, and in case you've forgotten you're not the only Hashira on this mission. I could have easily handled that on my own."

"You think I don't know that? That's not even the point!" He sighs, throwing his hands up, "Where were you even going?!"

"I heard a noise."

"A noise?! So, you're going to wander the streets of the Entertainment District, alone, while a demon is preying around here, all cause you heard a rat or something?!" He runs his hands through his hair, "I brought another Hashira to help not so I had another pipsqueak to babysit."

You turn, returning his cool gaze, stepping towards him, "Tengen Uzui, do not make me feel inferior. You can be mad that I left alone and didn't tell you, you don't get to be cruel to me. I was trying to gather intel, that sound could be our lead."

"That's fine! So, tell me before you leave so I don't find you in an alleyway, dead before you can even say some flashy last words!" He yells, not backing down. " All you've ever done is reject help like you're above it! It's always about civilians, about the innocent, but you don't even take the proper precautions to make sure you don't die! Are you really trying to have an early, boring death?"

"Don't do that 'you always do this' shit, you don't know me Uzui. Let me remind you once more I am a Hashira, I've proven I know what I'm doing."

"Sure, you do-"

"Furthermore, do not start lecturing me on how I take care of myself when the only reason I didn't wake you was because I couldn't. You wouldn't wake up, and of course the one time you sleep is the time this noise I've been hearing the whole goddamn mission is the clearest, you-"

"Hey!" a woman's voice calls above, "We're trying to sleep, take the lovers quarrel somewhere else!"
"We're not lovers, damnit!" You call back, still fuming. Still, she's right, it's a little obnoxious to be doing this when others are trying to rest before another big night. You listen once more for the sound, praying you hadn't missed your chance. The resounding silence of the cleared streets should've helped. But it only confirmed that the sound was gone tonight.

You sigh, "Let's head back, we need to meet the boys soon."

"Fine." he grumbles, following behind as you exit.

The silence is awful, as you walk ahead you almost wish he would keep yelling. It was better than nothing.

"Look," you sigh, "I'm sorry. I should've left a note or something. I appreciate your concern, but I'm certain that sound might be our lead."

There's silence. His selective hearing must be on again.

"What do you mean 'I always do this' by the way?"

More silence, it feels almost deafening until, "I get word about everyone's mission from my crow. And from what I've gathered you're the Hashira most injured in combat, while also being the one that recovers the fastest. Overtime I guess it became evident you didn't always take care of yourself on missions because of that quick recovery time."

It's unfortunate but he's right. You'd always taken whatever means necessary to win, to protect those around you. While you knew it was important, hardly was your safety top priority. In some cases, that's just the job, but in other cases, it had just been recklessness. "How about we make a deal then," you turn holding out your hand, "I don't want to fight with you anymore. Let's agree to work together as best we can, and to be open about our health, at least for the sake of the mission."

Tengen breaks out one of his signature grins, shaking your hand, "Sounds like we finally speak the same language."

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now