The sister and brother emerge (11)

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Following the sense of the demon, you entered into an entertainment house, turning several corners, following the sound of crying and voices.
"Woah." In front of you was an already beheaded demon. More importantly, Tanjiro attempting to hold a second one back.
"Is that one apart of the Twelve Kizuki?" You pointed at the girl fighting in Tanjiro's arms. She bared her teeth at you, eyes hatefully hungry. 
"Nope, this flashy one here is Nezuko Kamado." Uzui responded.
"Woah, wait that's your sister?"
Tanjiro stiffened a bit before nodding, "Yes, but she's never eaten anyone, she just got really upset because of me."
"Don't sweat it kid, I trust you by now. If you've lived this long into this mission, you know how to make a good call. But in that case, where is the Twelve Kizuki member?" You looked around, taking note of the damage, and the two civilians in the room who seemed petrified. You thought about helping them leave but sometimes those in shock could lash out, better to let them escape when they were ready.
"I'm right here!" The beheaded demon behind you called. She was dressed in very little clothing, covered in burns.
You looked over at Uzui and Tanjiro, "Wait. Is she really?"
"Nah, there's no way." Tengen responds still looking to the siblings, "Hey, the battle here is far from over, so get her under control."
"I have to agree, she could distract us or harm someone otherwise."
"Brats who throw temper tantrums don't belong on the battlefield. Can't you sing her a lullaby or something?"
Wow you never expected to hear that come from Uzui's mouth.
Your shock was short lived as Nezuko kicks out, the force throwing the two backwards and breaking the door behind Tanjiro who plummets from the second story, taking his sister with him.
"Damn if she isn't strong." You whistle, looking below.
"Strong and out of control." Tengen calls back, already turned away from the two below and preparing to leave.
"Yeah," you say, the fury and annoyance growing in your chest, "I'm aware." Following his lead, you began to leave. Though his words were annoying you per usual, you were glad there wasn't any awkwardness, at least for the time being. 
"Where do you think you're going?! Get back here, Hashiras! You have the gall to behead me and walk away?! You're going to pay for this!!" The head called to you both. Half the face was burned horribly, leaving bare teeth to lash out cruel words. 
"Would you just shut up already?" Tengen groaned, "you've been nothing but unflashy, so drop dead."
"Don't give me that! I'm stronger than you!! So what makes you think I'm not an Upper Rank?!"
"I'm sorry but you can't be Upper Rank."
"Yeah, you didn't even do anything cool." You reply in a similar deadpan tone.
"I will have you know that I am Upper Six!"
"Then why are you holding your severed head right now? I mean c'mon, did I cut your brains out too?"
"Maybe when they start dying they get amnesia?" You say, crouching and poking the demon's arm.
"Just because I'm like this doesn't mean I've lost yet! I'm an Upper Rank, damn it!"
"I think it's pretty obvious that you lost."
"I'm just more powerful than you can comprehend!" She responded, eyes beginning to well with tears, "I might be Upper Six right now but I'm going to get even stronger!"
"Don't care. Didn't ask."
"Yeah," you agree, "You're going to die soon, it might be best to accept it."
It seems that sets her over the edge, as she breaks out into sobs, begging you both to believe her.
"Damn Uzui you made her cry, that's messed up."
"I-it's not my fault she's throwing a tantrum!" He responds, seemingly a bit shaken.
It's strange though, you think as you stand, shouldn't she have disintegrated already?
"Die! Die! All of you can just die!" She waves her fists wildly. 
"Hey, Uzui, I don't think this is right."
He doesn't respond only lowering his blades from his shoulders.
"He cut my head off! He cut my head off!"
You flourished your weapon, as a rumble seemed to come directly from the demon's body. 
"Help me, Brother!!"
Oh, Gods on high. Something was crawling out of her neck.
You and Uzui wasted no time with a matched pace, you aiming straight for the arms as he lunged for the neck.
It should've hit. The speed you both had went at was remarkable. But behind you, you continued to hear the first demon crying, as well as another grating voice of a demon.
You nudge Tengen who seems lost in thought. Who is this guy? The demon should've been dead so why was she still here? They were so quick it was incomprehensible.
"Aww, is that a burn on your face?" The masculine demon cooed, running his hands over the burns that covered the girl and healing her, "you need to learn how to take better care of your face, you know? After all you were born with such a pretty face compared to mine."
You began running at him again, Tengen close behind. This needed to end quickly, especially as the civilians still trembled on the floor in fear. 
Something was coming at you. He was swinging something but if you let it hit you, you could do it, you could get the head-
No. That weapon was dangerous. You dodged last second, throwing your body downwards and striking for the hands.
"Not bad. I was going in for the kill, you know?" The demon called above you, his two sickles pushing your weapon down. You were face to face with him, his skin cut and dry, eyes unblinking and full of bloodlust. "But you were both able to stop me, weren't you?" You pushed his weapons off of yours and retreated, leaping back, landing a few feet away. The demon stood in the middle, keeping an eye on Tengen in front of him and you from behind.
"Good for you really."
Uzui was hit, there was blood pouring down into his eye, covering the red face paint he always took care to apply.
"You're a lucky guy, aren't you? That face of yours. Nice." The demon turned to Tengen, cooing.
Woah, maybe this demon had some other priorities.
"I like your skin too. Not a blemish, birthmark, or scar to be seen anywhere, huh?"
"Wow you're laying it on thick." You call. You weren't sure what you wanted from that jeer, but anything was better than feeling like they were treating you both as a fine piece of meat. 
"And you. Such a lovely face, you seem rather strong as well." His eyes traveled up your body, observing everything about you as you shivered in disgust, "You have a lot of anger, don't you? That's not very attractive."
Wow, ok, ouch.
"You must get tons of attention from the ladies, don't you?" The demon asked you both. "I envy you. Oh, I envy you! Would you mind just dropping dead, and in the most agonizing way at that? Like getting skinned alive or maybe getting those bellies of yours slit open." As he spoke, he seemed to scratch and pull at his skin, bleeding in anger. You tried to watch his mannerisms, waiting to see when he would swing.
His jeering was interrupted but his sister, "Brother, wait! They weren't the only ones harassing me! Kill the ones who burned me too. Kill them! I've been toiling away over here, and yet... even though I've given it my all, they won't die! I feel like I tried everything," she cries, another sob choking out, "but they kept getting back up and picking on me!"
You glanced at Uzui as she sobbed, trying to get a read on him. There would only be success if you worked with him, even if you didn't want to, these two were too dangerous. It seemed he was more focused on watching the demon in front of him, keeping an eye on every move he made.

"When you die," the demon growled, winding up an attack, "those words will ring through your skull. I'll show no mercy-"

Oh gods, he was going to unleash something here and now, and that lady and man were still in here.

"-Because my name is Gyutaro!"

Tengen lunged forward to protect them, as you sprinted forward, dodging sickles, covering the two forms kneeling down.

"W-who are you?" the man stuttered, looking up at you.

"Don't worry about that," you whispered, listening as the demon named Gyutaro monologues to Uzui, "right now you two need to worry about getting out. We'll get you an opening, all you'll need to do is run, ok?"

The look in his eyes was nothing short of pure agonizing terror, but he nodded.

"Protecting those humans, showing off like that? I envy you. In their eyes, you two are some kinds of brave heroes, aren't you?" the sickly demon sneered. "I bet their affection and gratitude towards you is immeasurable, no?"

"Well, yeah. I'm a flashy glamorous lady's man, so that's a no-brainer. Not to brag, but I have three wives to boot."

Wow no way in hell that didn't drive this demon mad.

"...Am I going deaf, or did you just say that you have three wives?" Oh yeah, he was pissed. But this was good, he was keeping his attention on Uzui. With any luck, that would mean he would ignore you for a brief moment giving you the opportunity to make sure the civilians got out alive.

Peering behind you as the demon let out a yell, you saw flying blades of blood come at all of you. You tensed your body, ready to make a barrier, but Uzui reached into his pocket, grabbing little pebble like orbs. You knew what they were, even if you'd only ever heard of them.

"Hang onto me tightly, we're going down." you told the two quickly, wrapping one hand around each of them, gripping them tight. As they grasped onto your clothing you jumped into the hole the explosion orbs made, landing untouched on the first floor.

"Go! Get out of this town now!" You demanded, pushing them towards the exit.

"R-right!" the man nodded, grabbing the lady's hand and running quickly. You said a silent prayer for their safety before turning back to the battle at hand.

The blood was quickly traveling to the first floor, slicing through the air, going for a killing blow each time. You tried dodging one, but all it did was follow you, meaning your blade would have to deflect each blow. Every attack was packed with so much power, but you and Tengen made quick work of them.

"Might want to stand back for this!" He calls, readying more small orbs, flourishing his blades and sending an explosion straight above.

You crouched; gaze focused above as your eardrums rang. There was nothing, until the dull thud of a massive ball of belts landing.

"Well shit."

"Wow, this might be harder than I thought." Tengen beams. "How flashy."

You stood, watching as the belts unfurled.

"The thing about us is," the sickly demon smirked with his sister, emerging from the horrid cocoon, "we fight together, and two is better than one, you know?"

Gods this was not going to be fun. As the demon jeered at Tengen, you reignited the fury in your chest. You were going to need all the fire you could muster for this.

I want nothing to do with you. (tengen uzui x reader)Where stories live. Discover now