Bonus: I

797 33 13

First time getting punished, kinda nervous.

Author's POV

YooNa and Jungkook were sitting in the principal's waiting area when their dad walked in followed by Seokjin, Jimin, and Their lawyer.

As they came and stood in front of them, Jungkook and YooNa got up, and bowed their heads, looking down and giving each other side glances.

"Follow me inside" their dad walked in with his super cold face.

"What the hell did you guys do this time?" Jimin whispered they shook heads and sighed.

"Mr. Kim, we are terribly sorry to call you upon such short notice, we didn't have any other option" the principal stood up greeting Joongki.

"Cut it, just tell me what happened" Kim Joongki sat down along with Jin rest stood behind, Jungkook and YooNa on Jin's side as far away as possible from their dad.

"Ms. YooNa and Mr. Jungkook are to be put on disciplinary leave, or else this matter will be presented to the board, they both did that to Ms. Lee" the principal gestured with his hand to his left, a lady in her late twenties was drenched in flour and water, while confetti sticking to her head and coat wearing teaching staff uniform.

"What the..." Their dad turned back to look at them with pure anger, they both looked down at the floor avoiding their father's intense gaze.

"Put them on disciplinary leave, and both of you get out, I need to discuss something with the Principal, Ms. Lee you can have 2 days paid leave as well, I apologize on behalf of my ward" Kim Joongki stood up and looked at the teacher, YooNa and Jungkook walked out followed by Ms.  Lee.

"Can't believe dad apologized to her" YooNa snickered, and Jungkook made a face.

"You both still don't have any ounce of remorse?" Ms. Lee questioned in disgust.

"We didn't mean it, it was a harmless prank, but you brought it to the principal just because our father is the chairman, and it was not even for you in the first place, it was for our best friend, you just ruined or whole 40 minutes hard work, and now we will be punished by dad too" Jungkook just looked pissed that his well-made plan failed, Han Seo Jun would looked like a duck and they would have laughed it off.

"I can't believe you two, I got this job with so much effort, I already have a hard life, don't make it worse! I have to get this cleaned or else I won't have a uniform to wear, I am not loaded like you guys, but you spoilt kids would never understand us lower class people's struggles" Ms. Lee was near in tears by now, YooNa looked at Jungkook and they felt bad.

"Ms. Lee, we apologize, it was never meant for you, here you can take this" YooNa handed over all the money she had at the moment, which was 8000 SKW.

"Are you both trying to bribe her?!" Their dad's voice rang in their ears.

"No dad, just the drycleaning money" YooNa replied.

"Please take it then, They are sorry" Joongki felt ashamed of  YooNa's and Jungkook's behavior, they both bowed to her, she accepted the money, and walked away.

Joongki walked away without a word, Jimin nudged them to move, and five minutes later they were in the back of the SUV, there was dead silence in the car, and Jungkook and YooNa were texting.

"What do you think dad will do?" Y.N

"The worse he can do is send us to Grandma's place, but that's fun" JK

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