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Perang mungkin terkesan keren bagimu, sampai kamu terjebak di dalamnya, lalu kamu tersadar bahwa perang adalah neraka.

~ Syeikh Hamza Yusuf




"My name is Oscar."

Pria berambut dan bermanik mata cokelat itu, memperkenalkan dirinya tanpa senyum sedikitpun.

"Yes, Mr. Oscar. You may ask one question to Syeikh Yunan," kata Ayaz dengan isyarat tangan mengarah ke Yunan.

Oscar kini bertatap-tatapan dengan Yunan. Meski masih tersenyum, namun kini terpancar raut kewaspadaan di wajah Yunan. Meski gambar piramida di kaus pria bernama Oscar ini, bisa jadi hanya kebetulan semata, tapi tak ada salahnya waspada.

"Finally I got to meet you, Yunan Lham. Quite famous muslim ulama, coming far away from Indonesia. To tell you the truth, I always curious, what's your motivation, made such a long journey to many countries over the world. It must have been very exhausting, haven't it, Mr. Yunan? How does it feels, spreading what people called 'terrorist's religion'?"

Orang-orang bergumam riuh, sambil menoleh ke arah Oscar yang duduk di barisan tengah.

"Pardon, Mr. Oscar. Please mind your words. Are you accusing Islam as terrorist's religion? That can be considered as religion blasphemy!" seru Ayaz yang tak dapat menyembunyikan kekesalannya.

"Sorry. Perhaps you misheard. I didn't say 'Islam is a terrorist's religion'. I said, 'what people called 'terrorist's religion'. It has different meaning," Oscar membela diri.

"Please just go straight to the question!" tegas Ayaz yang mulai gemas dengan pria bernama Oscar itu.

"Okay, okay," sahut Oscar sambil melengos. Gaya abai Oscar, membuat Ayaz makin jengkel.

Senyum Yunan sudah hilang. Dia segera menangkap sinyal tak bersahabat dari kesan awalnya terhadap Oscar.

"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Yunan. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God, since I was a kid. For me, praying is such a waste of time, and 'God' is simply an imaginary icon which only needed by weak human. Those humans with such a low confident on their self, and they believe that they don't have any power whatsoever to change things. They're very pathetic."

Yunan terdiam. Orang-orang saling berbisik. Beberapa di antaranya menatap Oscar dengan tatapan tidak suka. Wajar saja. Para tamu hadir di acara ini dengan maksud ingin mengenal Islam lebih dekat, yang artinya, ada kemungkinan mereka kini memeluk agama lain. Tentunya tidak semuanya ateis. Maka wajar jika mereka ikut tersinggung mendengar agama dihina.

"And what brings you here, then, Mr. Oscar?" tanya Yunan, berusaha memasang senyum di bibirnya.

"I'm not gonna pretend nice towards Islam, just to look good in front of you and everyone. I will say this out loud. From my perspective, all religion is the same. They are bullsh*t. But Islam is the most annoying one, because of many bad effects that comes along with it. So many war, not to mention suicide bombs, those crazy terrorists and so on, which results to so many death in this world. So don't blame me and other people like me, if we thinks that this world will be much better without religion."

Yunan melipat tangannya dan membalas tatapan Oscar dengan roman tegas. "Is that all you want to say? Do you still need my opinion, or perhaps you don't care about my opinion?"

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