In This Together

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After the Dutch Grand Prix we headed straight to Monza, It was a pretty good race weekend, i'd come second in the race behind Perez with Charles not finishing which meant i was only a few points behind him in the championship now. Although it had been a good result the whole time Kaycee was acting strange. It wasn't like she was sinking into a low again, this was completely different. It was like she was slowly distancing herself from me which didn't make any sense at all. If it wasn't about Luna or the race she'd barely spoken to me the whole time. When we were around other people she seemed reasonably fine with a happy smile on her face but as soon as it was the two of us it was like she wasn't even in the room. Everytime i spoke to her i'd get a false smile and one word answers, no affection in her voice or towards me at all.

Following the race weekend we headed straight to England to finally settle into the house. I thought that Kaycee would be happy about not having to go back to Monaco but it just got worse between us, half of the time she acted as if i wasn't even there. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she was acting so strange so in the end i went to check if it had something to do with her not taking her medication. I knew ir wasn't the best thing to do but if it was to do with that at least i could do something about it. I went into the bathroom to look in the box and check but she must have followed me in there. "What are you doing?" Kaycee asked from behind me. I turned to look at her not quite knowing what to say, from the look on her face she was furious and i could understand why. "Was you checking if i've taken them" she snapped as she went to snatch the box out of my hand. "You've been acting so weird, i didn't know if these might be why" i replied hoping that she'd understand why i done it and realise i was worried about her. But she didn't seem to her face just screwed up with frustration. "Well as you can see i've been taking them" she said as she turned to walk out pausing as she reached the door. "Maybe ask yourself why i might not want to be near you Max". She said shrugging her shoulders. She didn't want me near her? At first it didn't make any sense to me, i couldn't understand why she wouldn't want me near her. The more i thought about it, it finally clicked in my head. That this might have something to do with Kelly. That was the only explanation that i could think of.

I decided to keep my distance for a couple of hours waiting until Luna was asleep before i attempted to speak to Kaycee again, I didn't want us to argue with Luna around it wasn't good her and i expected that the conversation would probably get quite heated. After Kaycee took Luna up to sleep she didn't come back down straight away so in the end i went to go and find her. As I walked through the hallway I spotted her standing at Luna's bedroom door just watching her sleep. "Everything okay?" I said quietly as I went up behind her, I half expected her to push me away but she took my arm and wrapped it round her sinking into me slightly. This was definitely not how i thought this evening was going to go but i was relieved she didn't seem as angry as i thought she would be. "Do you think she's not safe with me" she whispered as she continued to watch Luna. At first i couldn't understand how she knew that Kelly had asked me that, maybe she'd told her. I wouldn't exactly put it past her. "I know you would never hurt her and that's all that matters" I replied tightening my arms around her. I hated the thought that she felt i didn't think Luna was safe with her because that wasn't the case at all. I turned her round so I could look at her properly, it was clear she'd been getting emotional, her eyes were filling with tear and as she blinked they started to roll down her cheeks. "Let's go and talk I think we need it" I said quietly as I stroked the tears off of her cheek.

We sat down together in the lounge just in complete silence at first, clearly neither of us wanted to start the conversation. In the end i decided i should probably start by explaining exactly why i'd gone and spoken to Kelly. "So you know i met up with Kelly" i said softly waiting for her to explode about it but she didn't. She nodded and looked directly into my eyes, she seemed so calm and collected, this was not like her at all it was almost like she'd been preparing herself for this conversation. "It's not that i know you met up with her Max, I heard what you said to her" I went to speak but she put her hand up stopping me "Before you start making excuses, telling me how i've got it all wrong and it's not what i think it is just let me speak please" she said sternly. Okay she had definitely been preparing herself for this talk she seemed like she knew exactly what she wanted to say. Part of me felt like this was going to be the final nail in the coffin for us. I nodded in agreement and kept quiet so she could say what she needed to. "You've done so much for me and Luna, and it's been an immence pressure on you but going to her wasn't right Max and you know that otherwise you wouldn't have lied to me about where you were" i could hear in her voice that she was trying her hardest to cry again. She was right i knew that it wasn't the right thing to do but i felt like i had no one else that i could go to at the time. "Kace i'm sorry" i muttered quietly, she shook her head "You don't have to say your sorry Max, I get it you needed someone to talk to" she replied smiling ever so slightly, it was like she was trying to sympathize with me. "and if talking to her is the only way your going to get back to being comfortable in the car then.." i stopped her there and then i wasn't going to let her go any further, she needed to understand it had nothing to do with talking to Kelly. "It was stupid Kace, your the one i wanted to talk to, you just weren't in the right place for that" I needed her to understand that she was the only one i wanted to find comfort in, but with everything she had been through i couldn't put that on her. "I really wanted this to be our fresh start, our chance to actually finally be happy" this was our chance to be happy and yet again i'd gone and messed it up, i could have kicked myself. "we are happy aren't we?" I could already tell where this was going, she was going to say this wasn't going to work with us. "I am but if this is all too much for you Max i'd completely understand" Sometimes i really wanted to shake her to make her realise that building this life with her and Luna was everything i wanted. "I've said this a million times before I'm not going anywhere" I sighed hoping that it would actually sink in for once and to my surprise it seemed like it worked because she moved across the couch and curled herself up in my arms. "I love you" she mumbled before leaning up to kiss me, just as our lips touched and everything seemed to fit into place again we could hear Luna crying. "It's definitely your turn" Kaycee chuckled nudging me slightly.

This could have easily turned into an argument but for the first time it didn't, we were finally communicating like adults. I laughed to my self as I realised after two years we might of actually figured out how to make this really work.

Author's Note: Sorry i've been a little slow with updating. Had a complete block with this book but feel like i've got it back now :)

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