In her head

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Max's (POV)

It took every part of my strength not to continue laying into Charles even though I really wanted to. The fact he had the audacity to say she'd done this to herself when she couldn't even stand was infuriating to me, yes in the past Kaycee got herself in some states when she drank but since having Luna she hadn't touched a drop by her own choice. It was obvious just from looking at her that she wasn't with him willingly. As Ilisa shouted my name I turned to see Kaycee had completely blacked out. I shoved Charles against the wall "if you ever go near her again I won't stop next time" i said through gritted teeth. Ilisa was trying her hardest to get Kaycee up off the floor but she was visibly struggling I let go of Charles and scooped her up in one quick motion taking her straight up to my room. "Why has he done this" Ilisa asked as she helped me with Kaycee, she was completely new to all of this and had no idea about the shit that Charles had put her through over the last year. Kaycee's started to come round slightly as we got her into the bed "get her away from me" she shouted and shoved Ilisa away from her. I gathered as she wasn't really with it she had no idea what was going on and that it was just an instinctive reaction. Ilisa quickly excused herself probably traumatised by what she'd had to deal with. I felt bad for her and I'd apologise properly when I next spoke to her but right now I needed to make sure Kaycee was going to be okay.

It wasn't long into the night before Kaycee had a nightmare, she was in full blown panic mode. So much worse than I'd ever seen before, she probably had no recollection of me bringing her into the hotel so it was no surprise how distressed she was her arms were flying around and she screamed like she was truly terrified. "Kaycee stop it's okay" I said softly trying to calm her down and get hold of her but it wasn't working. I flicked the light on and placed my hands on either side of her face so she had to look at me. I cautiously waited for her to fully wake up and realise she was with me and safe. As soon as her eyes locked onto mine she practically flung herself into my arms and sobbed, it was a heart wrenching sound the kind of sound of someone that had finally broke.  "It's okay" I muttered over and over again as she broke down in my arms trying my hardest to hold back the tears I could feel coming. When she finally began to calm dow I laid with my arms tightly wrapped around her for the rest of the night. Every so often she'd wake up and start crying all I could do was try and soothe her but eventually she fell into a deep enough sleep that she didn't wake up again. The guilt I felt for letting this happen kept me awake for hours, these last few weeks even though I knew something was wrong I let her distance herself and now look what had happened.

When I woke up in the morning Kaycee was already in the shower, I waited patiently for her to came out unsure of how she was going to be. Eventually she came of the shower and sat on the end of the bed putting her head into her hands, I could see the scratches on her back from where she'd scraped down the wall, it must of been painful by how red and exposed it looked. I crouched down in front of her and moved her hand so she would actually look at me. "Please don't shut me out" I said softly knowing that her silence wasn't a good sign at all, I needed her to talk to me. "What going on with you and Ilisa" she replied completely changing the subject. I had no idea what she was talking about or even referring to. There was obviously nothing going on with me and Ilisa, especially seeing as I'd made that mistake once before loosing Kaycee in the process and Ilisa was a lesbian which made her question so absurd that I didn't even have a response for her. "Please just tell me Max" she was practically pleading with me but there was nothing to tell her "Kace there is nothing going on" I replied trying to figure out why she was even asking, I could tell by the look in her eyes that she didn't believe what I was saying "she's with Louise" I quickly added hoping that would clarify things. It took a minute but it seemed like it finally clicked in her head. "with Louise?" She repeated and put her head in her hands again. "I can't take this anymore" she muttered quietly to herself and started to rock back and forth. "Why would he say that" that's why she was asking because he fucking put it into her head. As much as I wanted to go and find him to finish what I started I tried to keep my own anger at bay. It dawned on me I had no idea what he'd been saying to her and how much he'd fucked with her head.

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