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I quickly rushed around the apartment trying to get myself and Luna r day to go and see Arthur. I hadn't even realised Max had been watching me the whole time. "Do you want me to come with you?" I shook my head, I wasn't worried about meeting them I trusted that it would be okay and I didn't think for one minute that there was any possibility that Charles would be there. "At least she'll sleep most the time" he chuckled as he laid down on the couch. I could tell he was exhausted we both were, even though the race weekend had been great it caused a complete domino effect on Luna we hadn't really slept for a couple days and with it being another race weekend I knew Max needed the rest so it was a good thing he'd have some time to himself.

I patiently waited for them to arrive, bouncing Luna in my arms to keep my nerves at bay. As much as I didn't think there was any chance of Charles being with them
I still worried they'd tell him they were coming and he'd show up just hurl more abuse at me. I was so relieved when Carla and Arthur walked in just the two of them. Carla practically came running over to me, wrapping her arms around me to embrace me. It felt weird, all them months I spent so much time with her but then it stopped and we didn't speak at all.
We all sat together talking for a while, I could see Arthur's eyes keep flickering over to Luna "Do you want to hold her?" At first he looked so uncomfortable holding her which was quite comical to see but after a while he started to relax. As Luna started to wake up and look at him he seemed so shocked I knew instantly why. "Her eyes" he said to me surprised, i sheepishly smiled knowing exactly what he meant. They were just like Charles' there was no denying it. "Does he know your here" Carla and Arthur briefly looked at each other and an awkward silence fell over them. "yes but he's not happy about it" Carla eventually responded. Of course he wasn't happy about it that was no surprise. I felt bad for Arthur it must be a difficult position for him to be in. "He'll soon realise what he's missing" she continued as she looked at Luna. I couldn't agree, I just felt that it would always be this way. "ask her" Carla said nudging Arthur. He looked at me with an anxious look on his face, I didn't know what I was expecting him to say but he eventually explained that it wasn't just him that wanted to get to know Luna, his mum had asked to meet her aswell, I really didn't know what to say. I knew this would backfire on me eventually, if Charles wasn't happy about Arthur being here he definitely wouldn't like me taking Luna to meet his mum. It was all just a little bit too much for me to contemplate at the time "Can I think about it?" I asked hoping I could think it over for a little while. "Of course" he replied smiling at me. Arthur gave Luna a quick peck on the cheek and then handed her back to me.

As soon as I got wooed into the apartment Max looked at me cautiously, probably waiting for me to fill him in on what happened. I handed Luna to him whilst he sat on the couch. "Hey bug" he beamed as he embraced her. I went to potter around the bedroom for a while trying to collect my thoughts, I guess I'd worked myself up more than I actually thought I had. I felt exhausted even thought I hadn't really done anything. Eventually I felt myself fully come back down to earth and went back into the living room. "How was it?" I slumped myself down on the couch next to him and felt like i could finally relax. "It went well" I replied smiling at him falsely. "So why don't you look like it did" he asked accusingly. I still couldn't understand how he had the ability to read me so easily. "It's just all such a mess, I never wanted it to be like this" I sighed, I was mainly just thinking out loud. All I could think was that it really didn't have to be this way "it's not your fault Kace you know that right" I knew he was just trying to make me feel better but the truth was it was my fault, obviously I wouldn't change having Luna and I loved her more than anything but sometimes I felt like if I wasn't such a mess at the time none of this would have happened.

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