Family break

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Everyone had sacrificed so much time to look after Luna whilst I was away, and even now I was back they were still being unbelievably supportive. I didn't want them wasting the summer break sitting around in Monaco with me, they'd already wasted a week and with the season being so busy they all deserved to actually be able to enjoy their break. Because of this I said I wanted everyone to go away, I knew that they would jump at the idea if they thought it would be good for me so I kind of played on that even though it was more for their benefit than for mine. Even before we left I felt like I'd maybe bitten off more than I could deal with. This became more and evident as I could feel myself getting stressed trying to get everything packed. It didn't help that we'd planned this so last minute only giving me a day to get everything sorted. As I aggressively shoved at my suitcase to try and close it Max came up beside me placing his hand on mine. He could definitely tell I was stressed "We don't have to go if you're not feeling up to it" he said softly as he took over with the suitcase. I wasn't feeling up to it at all but I wanted everyone else to be able to enjoy themselves. It had been hell for them they deserved this break and most importantly it was going to be Luna's first family holiday, I definitely wasn't backing out now.
Everyone was flying separately with me and Max heading there first. Once we got the the airport I was already exhausted, and what didn't help was Luna was being particularly fussy. She always seemed to pick the times where I was most anxious to really be on top form. I decided to just try and get comfy with her hoping that be so close would keep us both calm, and it seemed to work as we must have fallen asleep shortly after taking off because the next thing I knew I was being woken up by Max. "Sorry I didn't want to wake you but we're going to be landing soon" he said softly and smiled at me. "Sleep well?" I slept so unbelievably well, probably the best I'd slept for weeks. I looked down at Luna who was peacefully sleeping next to me still "You've both been out cold the whole time" Max chuckled as he scooped Luna up from out of my arms and sat in the seat next to me.

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My plan to keep it together was already derailing from the moment we got to the villa, I'd unpacked everything but when I went to take my medication they were no where to be seen

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My plan to keep it together was already derailing from the moment we got to the villa, I'd unpacked everything but when I went to take my medication they were no where to be seen. I went into full panic mode, by the time Max came in I'd practically torn the whole room apart looking for them and got myself so wound up in an absolute frenzy. Max's face dropped as he looked around at the carnage I'd created. "Are you looking for something" he laughed and from what i can imagine he was trying to be light-hearted about the situation, not realising I was seconds away from a complete meltdown. "I can't find them" I snapped at him whilst I continued to scramble through everything. "can't find what" he queried, his voice slightly more concerned than before. "my medication Max I can't be here for two weeks without them" I was just about holding it together as it was, i didn't know what I'd do if i completely stopped taking them right now. "I need to go back I need to go home" I was just incoherently talking to myself. I could hear Max was saying something but it was just like a muffled murmur, I couldn't really hear him properly and I wasn't exactly paying attention. "Kace" he almost shouted at me his voice was so loud it practically snapped me out of my panic. When I turned to look at him he was standing there with them in his hand. "I put them in the bathroom" he said softly. I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands, I felt so stupid. "If it's too much being here we can go" I shook my head I didn't want to leave I wanted to enjoy the time here with everybody. Most of all I wanted and needed to get my life back.

As we were the first ones at the villa I was able to take some time to relax myself and make sure I wasn't still really agitated when everyone else arrived. The first ones to arrive were Lewis and Emilia, I'd purposely not told Max they were coming so I could fully enjoy his raw reaction. "Who invited you two" Max proclaimed sarcastically as he entered the room and spotted them both. "2 weeks of bonding time Verstappen aren't you lucky" Emilia replied wrapping her arms around him to his absolute dismay. "I can't wait" Max laughed back and glared at me knowing full well I'd done this on purpose for my own entertainment. The place was going to be so busy and packed with people, even Max's mum Sophie and his sister Victoria came with Max's two nephews and Victoria's partner. I was so worried about seeing them for the first time since coming home, I gathered Max would have told them what happened and part of me was embarrassed about it. I just didn't know what they would think or if they judged me because of it. "You're looking really well Kaycee" Sophie said as she embraced me she was so warm and welcoming it made me feel really at ease, even seeing her with Luna filled my heart. "There's the little munchkin" she said as she picked Luna up and gave her a hug which was so nice to see.

Everyone kind of did their own thing but when all of us were in the villa together it became a little overwhelming at times. I took myself off to relax on the sun lounger as Max took Luna in the water for the first time, my heart felt so full watching them together. "He's great with her" my dad said as he came to sit with me, I smiled and nodded as I continued to watch on "he really is" I mumbled mainly to myself. "She was with him the whole time, Susie supported on race weekends but Max did it all" It hadn't even occurred to me how difficult of a time it must of been for him, and now even though i was back it still wasn't easy. I decided it was about time I tried to do something nice for Max, I could never match all the support he'd given for me and Luna but I could at least try and do something. I decided to rope in Emilia's help. "I need your skills of persuasion, I need you to get everyone to go out early tomorrow and stay out" I continued and she seemed to get the hint straight away and a sly smile flashing across her face. "Consider it done" she replied looking very proud of herself like she'd already formulated a plan in her head. I knew I could count on her for this.

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