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The whole flight home I felt incredibly anxious, I had no idea what I'd feel like when I was home and that was a scary thought. As soon as I got to my dads the tension was unbelievable, I hated the fact that they were just all stood there looking at me they probably didn't mean for it to be so uncomfortable and intimidating, and they were probably just as anxious about me being back as I was. "where's Luna" I asked looking round for her. "Max is bringing her, we didn't know when you'd be back" my dad replied smiling at me. So she was with Max, he was still around and hadn't chosen to walk away. As soon as Max walked in with her I felt an enormous ache in my heart, the guilt of leaving and just abandoning her was so hard to deal with. I quickly took her from Max and as soon I held her in my arms that ache started to mellow down slightly. I couldn't help but squeeze her tight thinking that I never wanted to let go. "She's missed you" Max said gently as he stood next to me. He probably thought that would bring me comfort but it just made everything come crashing down on top of me. "I can't do this" I quickly handed Luna back to him and rushed out of the room. It was all just a little too much for me to deal with. I stood in the kitchen trying to compose myself but it wasn't working, the walls felt like they were closing in on me and I just couldn't breathe. "Kaycee" I turned to see Max coming towards me. I took a step back "no please don't" I gasped as I tried to take in air. I could see how worried he was, how he had no idea what to do or what to say to me. "I left her" I muttered as it all came crashing down on me "I just run off and left her Max" I kept gasping the feeling of lightheadedness taking over. Max placed a hand on each side of my face "breathe" he stood there in silence with me breathing in and out letting me match him to calm myself down. "You didn't just leave her Kace, you needed help" he pulled me into him and embraced me tightly.

We stood there together not saying a single word all I could her was the soothing sound of his heartbeat as my head rested against his chest. Eventually I felt myself come back down to earth "I didn't think you'd still be here" I muttered quietly. Not really understanding how or why he was. I could hear him sigh quietly "of course I'd still be here" he replied quietly with a hint of hidden frustration in his voice. "Even though I'm crazy and broken" I half heartedly laughed, I tried as hard as I could to be lighthearted about it but the reality was I had a complete breakdown. "Your not crazy or broken" he sighed and stroked my hair. "I love you Kace and I'm not going anywhere" i could hear his voice crack and When I looked up at Max he was trying his hardest not to cry. "Why are you crying" I chuckled lightly "I'm just glad your home" I thought about what he said for a moment. "I don't know if I want Monaco to be home anymore" I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts and try to think of how to put my feelings into words "it's full of bad memories" I thought he would question what I was saying or object but he didn't. "well then we look for a new home" Max gently placed his hand on my chin and tilted my head to look back up at him "together" I really was so unbelievably lucky to have him.

I decided I wanted to stay at my dads for a few days just to adjust to being back home. Max agreed to stay with me which I was happy about but when we went to bed It was impossible to sleep, I was just laying there staring into the darkness with my own thoughts. Max and Luna were peacefully sleeping I quietly got out of bed and crept downstairs. "Trouble sleeping" my dads voice came from across the room making me jump slightly. I took a seat next to him not really sure of what to say so I just mumbled the first thing that came to my head. "I'm so sorry" he looked at me like I'd something unbelievably stupid. I felt like I had to explain why "everything I've put you all through, all the times you've had to pick up the pieces" I continued hoping I was at least making some kind of sense. He smiled and sighed "Kaycee you'll come to learn that it's part of being a parent" we sat there in silence for a minute but then I could hear someone coming. It was Brandon he spotted us both and then started to laugh "I guess insomnia is a family trait" he said and slumped himself down next to us. He put the TV on and we all just sat there watching pointless shows for the next few hours. It was such a meaningless thing but it brought me so much comfort that I couldn't but smile. "I always thought you'd forgotten how to do that" Brandon said pointing at my smile. My dad sighed clearly not approving of Brandon's joke but I appreciated it. He wasn't treating me like I was fragile and broken he was just his usual annoying self.

Wolff Cub | The Next Chapter | Max Verstappen #3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant