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I really didn't want to go to the track for the Friday, every part of me just wanted to avoid it and stay back at the house but I also wanted to see Max and at least try to speak to him. I wandered through the paddock heading towards the RedBull hospitality hoping Max would be in there. But I was stopped in my tracks when I noticed Max walking through the paddock with someone I hadn't seen before. She was unbelievably beautiful, her blonde hair was pinned up and she beamed at him and they walked along talking. Maybe that was her. Max spotted me pretty much straight away and excused himself coming over. As soon as he was close enough for Luna to see him she practically tried her hardest to wriggle out of my arms and get to him. She really had missed him, it was the longest he hadn't been around since she was born. As she reached for Max he quickly took her out of my arms. "Hey bug" he hugged her tight kissing the top of her head "she's not an insect" I unintentionally snapped at him, I couldn't even explain why I did, it had never bothered me before when he called her that. In fact I usually found it really cute. "someones in bad mood today then" he said to Luna as he tickled her, clearly he was referring to me. "I've missed you" he paused to look at me "I've missed you both" I'd missed him but I couldn't bring myself to say it back. "well you knew where we were" i replied sarcastically and I took Luna back from him. She was my biggest comfort right now and I needed her close to me for what I was going to ask next. I took a deep breath preparing myself. "Who was that girl?" I asked nodding towards her as she sat outside the hospitality. "who Ilisa? She one of the new engineers" he replied so calm and relaxed like it was nothing. So I was right that was Ilisa, Charles wasn't lying about her existing maybe there was some truth to what he was saying. I went to ask him about it but I completely froze unable to get the words out. "do you think Susie would have her tonight? I think It'll be good for us to talk" Max asked interrupting my train of thought. Obviously we needed to talk but was there something specific he needed to tell me? Like what was going on between him and Ilisa. Was that the reason he'd been so distant recently. Was she the reason. I held Luna tight to me trying to hold it together the best I could. "Look I've got to go, I'll see you later?" He rubbed my arm gently and smiled at me before heading off into the hospitality, just leaving me there stood in the paddock.

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I tried my hardest to enjoy the rest of the day but it felt so weird being at the track and not being with Max I just felt so out of place and unwanted

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I tried my hardest to enjoy the rest of the day but it felt so weird being at the track and not being with Max I just felt so out of place and unwanted. Susie was more than happy to have Luna I assumed it was because she had her suspicions that things weren't particularly good with me and Max. I said to Max that we could have dinner and talk but when I was halfway through getting ready my phone buzzed.

Max ❤️: Stuck at the track with the engineers can we push dinner back an hour? x

Me: You're busy I'll talk to you another day.

Max❤️:  Missed call

I gathered by engineers he meant one in particular, Ilisa. I threw my phone on the bed out of frustration, I couldn't work out if I was overthinking, realising the truth or just completely loosing my mind.

I told Susie I need to speak to Max today and couldn't take Luna with me, she didn't even question me she just agreed to have Luna and miss the sprint without so much of a second thought. As I walked through the paddock I spotted Max stood with Ilisa and Louise talking and laughing. I took a moment and just stood there watching them not quite building up the courage to move. "You've met Ilisa then" Charles' voice said from behind me. I didn't even turn to look at him but I could hear the amusement in his voice. "Please just leave me alone Charles" I pleaded trying to stop myself from crying. He ignored me and moved slower so his body was pressed up behind me, making me recoil at the feeling. He leaned round me and showed me a picture on his phone of Ilisa draped all over Max. I didn't want to look at it, I turned my head away as the tears started to stream down my face. "and you thought I treated you badly" he chuckled as he moved my hair to one side. I could literally feel how close his face was to mine. "you win Charles" I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned to look at him "You want me to be miserable well done you've got your wish" I didn't even give him chance to say anything else I just stormed off out of the paddock

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