Out with the old

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I was just collecting the last little thing from my apartment before I officially moved out, Emilia had pretty much moved herself in whilst I was living at my dads and I had no intention of coming back so it made sense to get everything packed up. I wasn't even sad to be moving out, this place had never really felt like home to me and coming back here just brought me back to memories of everything that happened before I found out I was pregnant. Memories I'd much rather forget. Everyone said I should let them deal with getting everything packed up but I wanted to at least be able to do something myself even if it was just putting a few small things in boxes. The more I moved around the more I realised they were probably right it was definitely too much for me to be doing. I sat myself down on the couch and tried to breathe my way through the pain like I usually would but it wasn't working as well this time. It didn't help that I hated being in this apartment and wanted nothing more then to get out of here as soon as I could. "Are you okay?" Max said as he crouched down in front of me and moved the strands of hair away from my face. I took a moment to compose myself and then nodded "I think I'm ready to go home" Max gently kissed my head and held out his hand to help me up. I really didn't know what I was going to do without him when the season started again obviously I couldn't go along to any races and he'd been so amazing towards me I hated the thought of him not being around.

I wasn't really paying much attention to my surroundings as I walked through the reception to go to the car, Max was going to be coming down shortly so I wasn't particularly in any rush when a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. "I didn't know you still lived here" I recognised his voice straight away. It was Charles. I felt a horrible knot in my stomach as I turned to look at him. He looked just about as pleased to see me as I did him. "I don't, I'm moving out" I replied sarcastically hoping this conversation wouldn't last any longer than it had to. "What are you moving in with Max" he practically laughed at the thought of it, I really didn't have the energy to deal with him right now or his pathetic behaviour. "no and why does it even matter to you Charles" I couldn't help but snap back at him I just wanted to be left alone. "You've got it all figured out haven't you" he paused briefly and his mouth formed a slight smirk "get Max to play step daddy" I had so much I wanted to say in that moment but I knew my words would be lost on him so I chose to hold myself back. "Why do you hate me so much" I felt myself becoming emotional as I said the words out loud, the reality was he did hate me and he wasn't shy about showing it either. Charles started to laugh making me more uncomfortable than I already was which I didn't even realise was possible. "ever think that thing has something to do with it?" He practically growled at me as he pointed at my stomach, I instinctively put my hands on it as if I was protecting her in some way.

Suddenly Charles took a step back and I felt a hand rest on my lower back "I think that's enough" Max said calmly from behind me. I found it ironic that Charles had nothing to say now, he just stood there with a blank expression on his face. He was happy to insult me when no one else was around but as soon as it wasn't just me and him he'd keep his mouth shut. "go to the car I'll be out in a minute" Max whispered to me as he positioned himself protectively between us. I looked at him worried about what he might do but decided to quickly make my exit.
Eventually Max came back to the car, I don't know what I was expecting but he seemed so calm he just started to drive as he gently stroked his thumb against my thigh. Eventually I couldn't take the silence anymore. "what happened" I asked cautiously. Max just took my hand and smiled "nothing major" I knew he was trying to protect my feelings by acting so nonchalant about it but in reality the unknown just made me more concerned.

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