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After some time she stopped crying and went to get herself dressed, every time I tried to talk to her about what happened she'd completely shut me down and tell me she was fine like she always did. Still after all this time I just couldn't understand how one minute she could be falling apart and the next she'd act as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. She wouldn't tell me what Charles had said or what she remembered from last night, the truth was even if she did tell me i would have no idea what to even say back to her at this point. I wanted to be there for her and help her but I couldn't do that when she wouldn't communicate with me. As I came out of the bathroom Kaycee was on the phone to someone "I've got to go I'll see you soon" she said quickly ending the call as soon as she noticed me. She gave me a halfhearted smile "I'm going to the house" she paused shifting slightly. "I'm going to stay with Susie and Luna today" she continued and grabbed her jacket to leave. I reached out to stop her making her flinch, she couldn't hide how terrified she was of every movement it was an involuntary reaction. "I'll come with you" I replied quickly. I understood why should wouldn't want to go to the track but yet again she was trying to pretend everything was okay but it without a doubt wasn't. She shook her head "it's race day Max I'm not going to be the reason you miss it" that didn't matter right now the only thing that mattered was wether she was okay or not. "I told Susie everything, I just want to be with Luna" I reluctantly agreed even though I felt it was a terrible idea but I knew Kaycee well enough by now to know if I pushed it too far she'd completely shut me out. I couldn't help but sigh it was like hitting a brick wall with her sometimes. She seemed to notice my frustration "I will tell you everything Max just not right now please" she said as she came towards me and wrapped her arms around me right. I embraced her not wanted to let go. "If you need me you call me okay" I replied kissing the top of her head. She was going to be safe with Susie and I knew she was the only one Kaycee ever wanted to be around when there was something wrong. At least Susie would definitely keep a watchful eye.

I hated the fact that she wouldn't let me go with her, racing wasn't more important to her and I wished that she knew that. I was so lost in thought thinking about Kaycee that I wasn't even paying attention to my trainer as he spoke to me "Max you need to be focused if your getting in that car" he muttered clearly noticing I was distracted. Something just didn't feel right I couldn't pin point what it was but I felt id made a massive mistake by coming to the track. The truth was I wasn't going to be able to focus on the race at all the only thing I could think of was Kaycee and I was beyond worried about her. I left the hospitality to go and find Christian, I had to tell him he needed to get Daniel to race there was no way I was going to be able to. As I walked across the paddock I spotted Susie with Luna, stopping me in my tracks completely "where's Kaycee?" I asked confused by the fact that she wasn't with her. "She's not with you?" She replied and looked around like she was expecting her to be with me. Now I was panicked if she wasn't with Susie then where the fuck was she. "Max what's going on she told me to bring Luna here" she paused "but I can't find her and her phones off" you could hear the worry in her voice. I told Susie about what happened with Kaycee, unlike what she said she'd never called them to tell them what happened with Charles, she lied and said she was heading to the track with me. She'd lied to us both.

Susie went to find Toto and Emilia to see if they had any idea where she was whilst I went to tell Christian I wasn't racing. When I walked into garage and approached me he looked as if he was expecting me "I take Charles' black eye has something to do with you" he sighed. So that's why he was expecting me "I need to go, Daniel's going to have to race" I replied completely ignoring what he said. His face dropped and he went to respond but I didn't give him chance, he was only going to say I had to race but there was no chance of that happening I needed to find Kaycee. "Christian I have to go" I said sternly and he reluctantly nodded not saying another word. I left the garage and Emilia came running towards me, she was a mess barely able to speak every other word she'd stutter and none of it was making any sense "she's" she muttered "oh god" she continued visibly shaken by whatever she was trying to say. I didn't have time for her incoherent babbling I shouldn't but I shook her out of frustration "Emilia what the fuck has she done" I snapped at her needing her to just spit it out and tell me.

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