Time To Get Serious.

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" so, you called me back. whys that Kaguya my friend?"

"well, i want Tanjiro to do this by himself. no doubt you would come to his aid and deny Tomioka his kill right? i want it to go as canonically as possible, so we can avoid any disruptions." Kaguya would explain, raising a finger to the sky.

"so what of me now? my mission has been complete." (Y/n) would take a sip from the cup infront of him, glancing at his friend. "what do you need me to do?"

"return to your estate. when the trail has been announced i shall alert you so you can arrive earlier then the other hashira."

"other? what is that meant to mean?"

"ah right, i forgot to inform you. your official title within the corps is a 'shadow hashira'  a hashira noone knows about. this shall be revealed, if you request, during the trail. if you dont it shall be a hidden rank within the corps."

"im a hashira? how flattering. it would be in my best interest for it to be revealed as it allows me to be able to be involved in meetings. however, i dont have a crow."

"and you won't be assigned one. you shall do what you wish, hunt when you want. but when an emergency pops up or a meeting is being held i shall send my personal crow to inform you."

(y/n) would nod his head, excusing himself after conversing with his friend a little longer and beginning to leave, but just before he left, Kaguya would stop him for a moment.

"i suggest you head to the butterfly mansion when you can. get yourself acquainted with everyone, i have informed them of a new member of the corps arriving to their doorstep soon already. after all, you will be making frequent visits once everyone is there correct?"

With that (y/n) would leave, thanking the master before leaving the room and heading towards said butterfly mansion. he knew the route for only one reason, turns out his estate is close to it, so its roughly the same way, just turning to the right when a fork had appeared in the pathway instead of a left. when he made it,  to the butterfly mansion, he would be surprised when Giyuu would welcome him in, turns out he was here for a medical checkup, and yet, he was completely uninjured. so that made (y/n) let out a smirk as Giyuu would look at him confused.

"a 'medical checkup' heh? what you getting checked?" (y/n) would ask placing a hand on Giyuu's shoulder.

Giyuu would be completely confused, and only then would (y/n) realise how innocent Giyuu was in terms of love. so he would drop the conversation. instead enveloping his friend in a hug which Giyuu would return slightly. but they would separate just as quickly as (y/n) had asked for him to give a tour of the butterfly mansion for him. Giyuu would accept, which would confirm (Y/n)'s suspicions.

'so he comes here often enough to know the entire layout huh? interesting.' he would think to himself, following Giyuu as he gave him the tour, surprisingly, he wasn't as melancholy as (y/n) expected him to be. they didn't see anyone during the tour, but the second it finished (Y/n) spotted three heads peeking around the corner looking at him. they would hide away when they noticed (Y/n) look at them, and he would smile slightly, turning back to Giyuu to notice he was gone. Giyuu left him when he noticed the 3 caterpillars  deciding to get revenge for (y/n)'s early question about his check-up, turns out he isn't as innocent as (Y/n) thought.

"ah. he left me. some how i feel like it's deserved." he would say, looking at the piece of haori that tuned the corner. he would sigh, turning around and making his way to the garden, completely unaware of the three caterpillars following. it took him a long time to get there as it was like a maze for him at this moment of time.  

A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Goku Black male reader X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now