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you were literally just speed. you didn't even bother to attack Zohakuten. you only attacked the wooden dragons he sent out to stop Mitsuri from attacking. he even realized Zohakuten could add more dragon heads to the wooden dragons, extending his reach if the dragon was to fare away from the target.

(y/n) noticed none of the dragon heads were going for him, only Mitsuri,  but that made it so it was easier for (y/n) to destroy them, even if they were no challenge to begin with.

there were a few close calls, but it was mainly because you weren't actually trying and were more of this using this as a test. during said close calls, you came out of nowhere, Picking Mitsuri up and moving her away from the dragons. you also always made sure not to look down at Mitsuri when you grabbed her, otherwise you would just see breast. like literally just her boobs because quite frankly your a man with hormones.

yea sure she's your girlfriend and all, but you still have respect, and your going to drink your 'respect woman' juice along with Akaza and well, respect woman. you always placed her down on her feet, giving her a quick kiss to her cheek before blasting off and obliterating  the dragons.

they always just came back just as quick though, as it seems the demon took drum lessons mid battle and became a toddler, just going fucking ham on the thing. dragons grew more heads, and when you killed hat dragon another just popped up like family coming around your house when you just want to relax

it was actually annoying you slightly, only because when you killed one it seemed like 500 appeared and they weren't even going for you. it they were attacking you then maybe you could enjoy it a bit, but they weren't. Mitsuri was doing the best she could as well, using her breathing style to attack the demon, but he dodged or blocked with a dragon, but sometimes he lost a limb before jumping back and regrowing it, repeating an endless cycle.

eventually, Zohakuten realized something. if he focuses on the dragons on you, it would just be him vs Mitsuri. so he did exactly tat, and within a second all the dragons converged on you. you let a smile infect you as you flew up, the dragons dashing after you. they obviously couldn't keep up, so instead they tried predicting your route, something that did work but you just smashed through it anyway

remember. you have kaioken times 100 in your Rosé state, so its basically just overkill at its finest. doesn't change the fact you were a literal red blur in the sky as you destroyed the dragons with little to no effort. you were surprised to feel little to no strain on your body, but you chalked it up to the fact you constantly trained. although you are expecting for your power to stop working correctly when you stop using it, just like Goku had in that one episode of super were he couldn't control his instant transmission or power in general.

but for now that doesn't matter, as you were having to much fun demolishing Zohakuten's BDA. you even missed the part were he called Mitsuri a harlot...the bastard, if (y/n) found out that then he would bring down the zero mortal plan on him and him alone. 

basically this:

(y/n): haha torture go BRRRRRRR

Zokahuten: why are still here, just to suffer?

anyway, back to the juicy deforestation that we all know and love. #teamtrees #savetheturtles.  yes i know the next hashtag might make no sense but shut up.

you zipped through the sky like you drank 17,000 cans of redbull, and to be honest considering you were literally just red i would understand how one would make the connection. the wooden dragons just couldn't keep up, and when they tried to block you off it went just about as well as  the Muzan trying to get the blue spider lily. basically, it just didn't work. you smashed through it like it was a wall made out of cheese. although it didn't taste as nice.

A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Goku Black male reader X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now