A Sprinkle Of Anger.

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Mitsuri had left the village to be posted somewhere near it. she told you of this a few days before, in which you both spent alot of time together. by this point Tanjiro and Nezuko were here, and let me just say.

Nezuko was FUCKING ADORABLE. like, compared to how she usually is? her cuteness could literally kill.  she spent alot of the time with you, or when she was here, Mitsuri.

she even got her hair braided the same way as Mitsuri's by Tanjiro. you even took a picture of it on your phone, which you snagged after your visit to your own world.

turns out the phone somehow had reception, and your ki was able to charge the phone, meaning you always had your good ol music and games! unknown to you, sometimes people could actually hear your music as they walked past, greatly confusing them.

and that leads to now...ish. you were sitting on your phone, playing a game whilst listening to music. you also realized your anime could be watched here, so you could quite literally see the future a few moments before it happens. so you made sure you to watch the newest episodes to refresh your knowledge.

when you were finished, you just did whatever you wanted to do on your phone. however, doing so made it so you didn't pay attention to your surroundings. something you regretted when you looked to the right after something akin to crying was heard.

you stared straight at upper 4, raising your hand and sending a ki blast, cutting the demon in half. you wanted to do that though, as it slightly progresses the story due to the emotion clones upper 4 sends out after being decapitated, but it seems no matter what, as long as the demon was sliced it created the clones.

the ki blast caused an explosion to be heard throughout the village, which alerted the villagers to the attack and causing upper 3 to swoop in and help defend the village. he noticed the villagers didn't attack him and instead gladly accepted his help.

Tanjiro and Nezuko also heard the explosion, same with Tokito who was talking to the two, well technically the one. turns out they had made a friendship over the week Tanjiro had gotten here. they were surprised when a demon would smash through the wall, holding a Uchiwa. Tokito attacked, but got sent away just like in cannon.

then, (y/n) came flying through, his knee in the face of another demon as they slammed into a wall the dust encasing the area. (y/n) would then jumped back, noting how Tanjiro and Nezuko was slightly injured, probably by the 'pleasure' clone's attack.

the 'anger' clone had slammed his staff into the floor, but Tanjiro and Nezuko had been in the air, curtsy of (y/n) who was holding them above it. they wouldn't be able to attack, but that would end when Genya, who was on the roof, used his american breathing, first form: Freedom, to shoot the demon, causing the joy clone to appear.

then the joy clone stole Tanjiro, (Y/n) could have grabbed him, but they both stared at each other, with them both nodding their head. Nezuko and (y/n) would turn back to the clones, wit Nezuko placing her back on the floor. she would attack one of the clones, leaving the anger clones alone as Genya engaged the 'sorrow' clone after decapitating anger during his lightning spell.

so, you decided to attack Anger easily evading his attacks. however, he came up with an idea eventually, deciding it would also be a good way to release his own anger. so, he would smirk, Anger sending his staff through (y/n)'s chest.

Nezuko and Genya would notice, and Nezuko would be furious, however, she would notice how you walked forward, further impaling yourself onto the staff. Anger's eyes would widen, but he would use his lightning in his attempt to stop you. however, you would continue walking eventually grabbing his shoulders and staring into his eyes.

A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Goku Black male reader X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now