Becoming A Shadow

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its been e few days since Tanjiro's return. by this time Haganazuka, Tanjiro's swordsmith, would have arrived and given the boy his blade. in which (y/n) would watch as the blade would turn a pure black. Tanjiro himself would question the colour, but get no useful information as this would be the first time both men had seen the colour. (y/n) remembers people saying Yorichii had a black blade, but doesn't remember. surprisingly,  Tanjiro's crow hadn't arrived yet, and by this time it does in the anime. maybe because his appearance Kaguya had told the crow some extra information, which made it late by a small fraction of time.

it didn't take it long though, as the Crow just so happened to arrive after (y/n) thought about it.

"caw! mission, women are disappearing in  a nearby town! make haste to the town! caw!"

"i have a mission already? I guess I should head off then, thank you for looking after me and Nezuko Urokodaki-sensei, (l/n)-san." he would bow, placing a box which houses his siter on his back before leaving the building. you see, Tanjiro got the box yesterday after Urokodaki made it for him.

(y/n) would glance at Urokodaki, who himself would nod. (Y/n) would stand up, making his way out the building and taking to the skies to follow Tanjiro on his missions. and god did the boy walk fairly slow, then again, he did come across some demons whilst walking and had to eliminate them before continuing his quest to the nearby town. (y/n) himself had killed a few demons that had snuck up on Tanjiro whilst fighting the others, he relished watching them fear as he used his ki to kill them. he believes it because of his 'body' that makes him feel this way, but as long as he still keeps Tanjiro safe that's good enough for him. he was always disappointed when a fight ended so easily, which heavily suggests his body is indeed now completely Saiyan, and he didn't just take the powers. that irritated him, especially as every fight was just one soft slash across the body for the demons to die. yes he breaks the whole 'decapitation to kill' thing. he still doesn't understand how he can kill them using ki, but he don't care.

anyway, Tanjiro was still walking. and only then did (y/n) realise just how much was skipped within the anime and possibly manga since he didn't read it. i mean, no reason was a great demon slayer, he's fought like 10 demons before his first mission technically even bloody started, and obviously because he has the mark on his forehead. what (y/n) didn't know, was that Tanjiro always had the boy's scent lingering. Tanjiro just thought it was because his scent was always overpowering at Urokodaki's, as the scent disappeared during combat.


he was at the town, and it was day. (y/n) floated overhead, feeling the wind slap his face continuously  whilst he watched the boy walk around, until eventually running towards a man after walking past him. after what seems to be a brief conversation, they would split, and Tanjiro would go round exploring, even buying something at a store which wasn't food. he noticed that he grabbed a gourd, how he got one he has no idea. why he has one? well he has an inkling why.

after all (y/n) once told Tanjiro about total concentration breathing, and also told him that it is extremely difficult so he shouldn't attempt it, even saying it could explode his lungs. (y/n) made that up, but now that he thinks about it, he wouldn't be surprised if it actually does. so watching Tanjiro buy a gourd and proceed to put as much carbon dioxide into it as possible made (y/n) realise how determined the boy was to protect, and cure, his sister. speaking of which, Nezuko was actually restless during the walk. scratching the box during the day sometimes and looking around when she was allowed out of the box at night, as if searching for someone, she would always be disheartened when she was unable to identify what she was looking for.

Tanjiro didn't manage to break the gourd, but still looked happy. he just uses his failure as determination to get stronger, what he didn't know, was that he managed to put a little crack into it. (y/n) was able to see that, and his eyes almost bulged out of his sockets. was that why he could hear  Tanjiro getting hit with something akin to a fan sometimes!? was he training it with Urokodaki?! clearly he didn't get it, but still! he managed to crack a gourd! he wasn't able to do that during his training at the butterfly mansion and that's in another what 2 months!? that actually explains why his training seemed quicker then it should have been, because he was doing extra training to make him stronger!

A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Goku Black male reader X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now