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chapter 19

|Free Love – HONNE|


Jisung has a schedule this weekend in Jeju Island and invited me to come along. Chan told their manager that they would be coming with a friend of the group so if anything came out, again, I would be protected. Last time no one knew, and things got dirty, this time if anything happens at least the company knows. The manager spoke with me yesterday and they planned for me to have a JYPE card saying I'm a staff member, so I'll be in disguise.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit scared but I'm more excited to be with all of them and meet Jeju Island. Never been there before and always wanted to go.

As a "staff member", I went first to the airport so I wouldn't be seen with the members. I'm currently on the plane waiting for all the members to come in. "They're almost here." One of the staff members who were with me in the meeting yesterday informs me, and I thank them. As the woman said, all Stray Kids come in after 2 minutes and they all sit down. Me seating with Jisung, Chan with the manager, Jeongin with Hyunjin, Felix with Changbin, and Seungmin with Lee Know. After everyone is seated the captain informs us that we will be living the airport and starting our journey. Jisung gives me his hand in support as he notices my anxiety.

I'm not afraid of planes or being in them, is just the takeoff and the landing that scares me a bit – it makes my stomach turn. Once the signal of the seat belt is turned off, I take mine immediately. Even though the flight is small the stewards give us a small meal.

"So, what are you most excited about?" I ask Jisung after he has finished the food, which consisted of kimbap and a small sandwich.

"Truly?" He asked back and I only nodded to him. "To be with you. To spend a whole weekend with just you and the members and relax. We haven't had the time to relax in such a long time, that even though we are going to be filming content to STAY's this really feels like a vacation. And we love to film these types of content to our fans so it's awesome. We get to have fun and relax and STAYs got to see us happy. And now, for the first time, I get to have a little vacation date with my soulmate too. Isn't that the best of both worlds?" He finished with his signature squirrel-like smile, and I swear cooed at him. He's so cute and gentle. He always puts STAYs and the members first and now I feel like I'm also part of that group of people that Jisung takes care of. I side-hug him, as best as the individual airplane seats let me and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have you here with me." I comment and let myself take a small nap on Jisung's shoulder, feeling like I'm in the best place in the world – near him.

The flight goes smoothly, especially because I slept most of the flight there, being only awake when we were about to land. The landing – to my surprise – was actually really smooth and not frightening at all, which calmed my racing and anxious self a lot more.

According to plan I got off the plane with all the members and staff and we passed the paparazzi and fans altogether, however, I was in the back next to the rest of the staff members, near Chan since he made sure that the kids, we in front of him, like always. There weren't a lot of people in the airport when we arrived, which made things go way better than in Incheon Airport, that freaked me out and I wasn't even with the members. We then came to the hotel where we will stay, and I and Han got a double bedroom, while the rest of the members got single bedrooms – so this meant that we had separate beds, but Han insisted on putting them together. "There's no way I'm going to have you overnight and not cuddle you!" He protested like a little baby, to which I laughed and proceeded to help him move the beds according to what he wanted. When we were all set we headed to Chan's room, as we talked beforehand, and ate some late lunch. We ordered in and all the members and I ate sat around the room and did small talk. Even though the flight was small, everyone was quite tired since we had to wake up early and the boys all end up going to bed at late hours. Needless to say that some of them - *cof cof* Chan *cof cof* - didn't even sleep.

You are my soulmate | Han Jisung | ffWhere stories live. Discover now