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chapter 03

|With you – Jimin & Ha Sungwoon|



I whisper under my breath, so lowly that not even Jiwoo can hear it. I finally manage to take my eyes off the blonde guy and walk to my and Jiwoo's table. Unfortunately for me, our table is right beside Jisung's table. I try to not look at them again, my heart wants it, but my brain doesn't give in. I don't allow myself to look at him again, even if I can see him staring at me from the corner of my eyes. His stare is burning in my skin, and I'm struggling a lot inside to keep myself from not running away from this restaurant. Jiwoo seems like she hasn't noticed who is here, because if she had, she would have squealed out of excitement. After ordering our food I excuse myself and go to the bathroom.

I enter the little bathroom and lock the door. I look at myself in the mirror and splash water at myself to try to calm me down, but the fact that I can feel his emotions along with mine doesn't help. His heart is racing as fast as mine. This soulmate thing is weird because once you turn 21 you are able to find your soulmate, you just need to look at them in the eyes and with that, you'll start feeling his emotions and his heartbeat. You feel his emotions when you both are apart and feel his heartbeat when you enter the same room (or are near each other), you only stop feeling them when you're touching them. However, when you both are apart for a long period of time those feelings fade a bit, not totally, but not as strong as it is if you two keep in contact or a relationship. The consequence of being apart from your soulmate for an extended period of time is that your heart will literally ache due to the distance and lack of contact.

Once I tried to calm down I breathed in and out and unlock the door, leaving the little room, right in front of me stays him. My eyes widen and I open my mouth to talk, but no words are found. I stay there in front of him until I close my mouth and he's the one to talk first.

"Hi!" He says and I can only wave at him, I'm not even able to speak at this point.

"Ahem... well I can't stay here much longer, but I didn't want to go without giving you this first." He gave me a piece of paper and then bid me goodbye, I could feel that he was as nervous as me, but at least he got the confidence to speak to me. I wouldn't be able to do that to him, so I'm thankful.

I put the paper in my back pocket and went to the table as if nothing happened. For now, I wasn't going to say anything to Jiwoo, even if that was going to eat me alive for a couple of days.

When I reached home later that afternoon I quickly went to shower and only when I was putting my clothes away when the paper dropped to the ground, and I remembered that I hadn't looked at it yet. I quickly ran to my bed, lay there and opened the paper. I reread it multiple times until the words made sense in my mind. It read:

I know that you now know that we are soulmates. Please contact me!

And at the end was his phone number. I grabbed my phone and dialled the number. I know that maybe he wanted to speak by text but my lazy ass didn't want to write it down and so I called him. After a few seconds, a voice answered, but I knew exactly whose voice that was, and it wasn't Han's. My eyes widened and I pressed my hand to my mouth preventing a squeal to come out. That voice was from my bias, Changbin. I was freaking out.

"Hello?" His voice took me back to the call and I tried my best to not sound like a crazy fan, but someone trustful. "Ahm... Hello... ahmm... am I speaking with Mr Han Jisung?" I hated that I sounded so insecure, but at least I didn't make it seem like I knew that he wasn't Han. When Changbin was going to answer me, some arguing was heard and then Han answered the phone.

You are my soulmate | Han Jisung | ffWhere stories live. Discover now