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6th night at Stray Kids Dorm

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On my sixth night, I'm spending with the leader, the cutest, mister BangChan. I was excited to spend time with him. Because, and I think I speak for every STAY, Chris is everyone's favourite. He's the one where I always go when I feel like things aren't going well.

In fact, when everything came out and me and Han parted ways, when I was all alone in Tokyo and Jiwoo couldn't speak with me, it was Channie's room that saved me. I had it rough, and now I'm feeling much better. On the other hand, Jiwoo does not have any improvements, she isn't worse, but she isn't getting better either. The doctors are scared that she might continue like this and eventually become a vegetable, and if so, her parents will have to decide if the machine that is keeping her alive will stay on or if they want to switch it off.

Her parents are the ones who have to make the decision, legally, but they want me to make the decision with them if there's a need to do it. Which I'm not comfortable with doing, but they insist on me having a say in their decision.

I received this news this morning when I went on my daily visit to Jiwoo's hospital room. She looked peaceful at least, and she looked like she wasn't hurting. After I got out of the hospital, I headed north of Seoul to my job interview. I applied to a big company and was nervous, obviously, as I leave the underground, I make my way through the crowd of people moving hurryingly in the streets. The hustle and bustle of this part of town is frightening to some, but to me, at this very moment, was actually calming me down. It was like the calm before the storm. I stepped into the company and the white and grey colours that hugged the whole place and took a big breath, having a little pet talk in my mind while I made my way to the big reception counter.

"Good morning. What can I do for you?" The nice lady on the other side spoke kindly to me, giving me a simple, but warm smile, I smiled back and answered her. "I'm coming to a job interview with Mr. Bang PD." The woman simply nodded and made a call telling the person on the other side of the line that a "young woman is here waiting for you". After a small and quick conversation, she stood up and helped me around, taking me to the 10th floor of the building, making her way through all the doors, and stopping at one that stayed in the right turn at the end of the corner.

She knocked at the door and a male voice was heard from the inside telling us to come in, the assistant opened the door and let me in, closing it after I sat down on the chair that the small man indicated me to seat.


"Eunwoo! You're back! Are you ready for our sleepover?" Channie said cutely at me once I closed the door of their dorm, taking my shoes in the entrance and putting the coat on the hanger beside the door.

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