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chapter 09

|Lonely St. – Stray Kids|


My first semester came to an end. My finals are done, finally. And I, finally, have time for myself. I have time to start finding what I want to do after graduating. If I want to start working or if I want to continue to study and take a master's degree.

Things between me and Han have been going very well, especially after the conversation that we had about our insecurities. We have been having constant mini-dates and hangouts. Today is Saturday and we are going on a road trip. Jisung thought it would be cool to drive to the coast part, near Seoul, in Ansan, and then come back at the end of the day. Nothing more than a day out of the city, out of our daily lives.

He told me that the day was all planned and we would be doing a bunch of fun and romantic activities, to which I became even more excited! What Jisung didn't know was that was going to be a fair in the city and I really wanted to go.

"Can we go to the fair, pleaseeee. Babyy please"

"But I planned all these things, babe." He pouted and I decided to let him win. After all, he took a lot of time to organise this trip and for us to enjoy it together. And as much as I love the fair, I would be the only one having fun, and I don't want that.

"Ok, baby we'll go another time. More fairs will be held for us to go to together, right?"

"Thank you beautiful! Now let's go to the botanical garden. It's so pretty there!" We both walked 5 minutes to the garden, leaving Jisung's car parked in the city park. The place isn't very big, but it's cosy and relaxing. In the middle has a little pond with fishes of all species and the kids can feed them with the food that is provided by the place. All the place is filled with plants and flowers of all kinds. Every flower is more beautiful than the one before. I can't stop taking pictures of the garden.

"It's so beautiful and picturesque! I love it Sungie! Let's late a picture with the pond behind us."

Once we finished visiting the garden we went to lunch at a steakhouse near the garden. "I've heard all nice things about it, so let's eat well!" The restaurant wasn't very big, more of a family restaurant vibe. The owner was very nice and the food was amazing. We didn't even talk much since the food was so good and we were both very hungry. I chose pasta aglio olio and Jisung ordered the steak with ramen on the side.

I tried to pay for the lunch, with no success. And after it, we went to the Sihwa Narae Tidal Power Culture Pavilion which had a tower where we could see the city from above. It was spectacular to see all the people walking on the streets. "They look like ants, don't they?" I commented, making Jisung smile at me, agreeing. We spent a lot of time at the tower, truth was I was tired from walking from one place to the other and Jisung decided to make a pause at the tower, enjoy the view of the ocean and take some pictures to post later on Instagram. "Hey I just heard that a session of moon observation is about to start here, would you like to go?" Jisung asked and I didn't think twice before accepting. "I love looking at the sky at night, so watching the moon will be fascinating!" I commented so excited and jumped like a little girl to Jisung, and he then held the way to the room. The session was going to take about 2 hours. We entered the dark room, sat down on two seats at the centre of the room and enjoyed the show. Not only do they show the moon in real time, but they also showed the constellations near the moon. I loved every second of it!

After some time, we went to a little café near the tower and ate and drank coffee. "What about we just walk up to the beach and seat there for a bit listening to some music?" And so, we did. We sat on the beach waiting for the sunset to start and listened to some music, I made Jisung choose the songs.

You are my soulmate | Han Jisung | ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ