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chapter 17

|Wish you back – (Han) StrayKids|


I slept in Jisung's room last night, he literally didn't let me go home after the events on my way to his dorm. I didn't complain, I literally was cuddled the whole night, it was so warm and comfy that I could never complain about it. When I woke up, I was late for work, it was a total pain to get up from Jisungs arms, but I had to. So, for the first time in a while I did my morning routine running from one place to another, and at the same time trying not to wake up a whole dorm of boys because they were all still sleeping. And knowing their schedules, most of them must be asleep only for 2 hours when I woke up. Thankfully I forgot some of my clothes in Jisungs bedroom from the last time I slept here. So my outfit for the day wasn't bad, I had some white plaid pants and a white t-shirt that had a little heart finger in the top right corner. I wore my all-time favs white converse and my black puffy jacket.

I grabbed a banana on my way out of the dorm and called it "breakfast" and promised myself that I would eat properly on my work break, but first I needed to get to work, and Seoul's morning commune is a pain in my ass, so being late was not a good combination with this. So, I did what I had to do to be on time at work, I called an uber and ran to the store once I paid the driver. When I entered the store, I was 2 minutes ahead of time. Amazing! I thought.

My manager wasn't in the store yet so I opened the store alone, making everything quick so I could open the store at the correct time and not have clients complaining. Once the store was opened, things were quiet and calm so I took a latte on the machine and ate some kimbap. While sipping on my coffee and sighing in contentment in my little mouse moment was cut short when my phone blasted with receiving a call.

"Omg it's yesterday company!" I scream-gasped, I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart and answered the phone.

"Ms. Eunwoo Park?"

"The one speaking." I answered back, my heart was thumping so hard that I could almost not hear the woman speaking on the other side.

"We are calling to tell you that the company has decided to give you the job. We want to talk about the specifics personally. Do you think you would be available today around 6 pm?" Damn, I have work...but this is your opportunity, forget the job, call in sick or something. I subconsciously scolded myself.

"I would be available at that time, yes."

"Great. Meet you later, then. Thank you and congratulations." The woman said nicely on the other side, and I thanked back and bid her goodbye. Once the call was over I quickly texted Seungmin telling him that I got the job. Still need to tell Jisung, but I want to tell him in person, not by text. So, I quickly texted Jisung telling him that I had great news to share with him over lunch. He texted me back almost immediately telling me to go to their company, and that we would have lunch together.

Once my shift came to the lunch break, I didn't think twice, I grabbed my things and left the store immediately, grabbing an uber to JYPE, well not exactly, I asked them o leave me on the street parallel to it so it wouldn't be suspicious – I guess. When I left the car, I texted Jisung that I was outside, and in no time he was in front of me showing me the way to his studio – at this point, I already knew the way to it, but I couldn't walk freely through the corridors.

"So, tell me what the news is! I'm dying with curiosity." Sungie said once he closes the door and we both sat on the couch of his studio.

"I got the job for the company that I really wanted, the one that I told you about yesterday!"

You are my soulmate | Han Jisung | ffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant