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chapter 05

|A Sky Full of Stars – Coldplay|


"You're telling me that he asked to see you and you refused because you were with me? Are you out of your mind?" Jiwoo shouts at me when we get home. "Text him right now that I left and he can come to your apartment, I'm leaving right now. Even if you don't want it. Text him Eunwoo." I sigh but grab my phone and text him as Jiwoo said. Because I know that she's not lying. When she talks to me in the tone that she just talked, I know that she's being the deadest serious ever. Jiwoo hasn't even left my apartment – she's about to – when Han answers me saying he's on his way. Jiwoo squeals in excitement and runs out of my apartment. I run through my apartment to make sure that it's organized, at least I can look like I have my life together.


And I run to the front door, look at myself in the mirror and then take a deep breath and open the door just to be met with those eyes. God how much I love those eyes.

"Hi!" I say and he replies, after an awkward moment I understand that I still haven't asked him to enter the room. "Oh! I'm sorry, that was stupid of me. Come in!" He chuckles at me and enters the apartment, nonetheless. I make my way to the living room, but before I show him, my apartment, like a mini tour. And when I say mini, I'm not lying, because my house is only 550 square feet (50 m2).

"And this is it. I know it's not very big but it's enough for a broke college student." I smile shyly at him. I feel that his heart rate is calm, mine, on the other hand, it's at full speed. I don't know why but suddenly I felt self-conscious about my tiny apartment, and I'm nervous that he doesn't like it or something.

However, I couldn't be more wrong, because his reaction was the most endearing thing I have ever seen. His cute, wide smile appeared immediately on his face, and he started jumping around in my small living room seeing things all up close.

"Is this you as a baby?" He asked while pointing at a picture frame that I had on a shelf because my mum begged me to have it there. In her own words: "You look cute, and I want everyone to see it." 

"You weren't supposed to see that." I was trying to take the picture from his grasp, but he picked it up simultaneously and pulled it to himself. What Jisung forgot was, that he is stronger than me, and since I was standing in a not-so-steady position, when he pulled the frame, he pulled me too.

So, we fell to the floor, me landing on top of Jisung. Fortunately, we didn't kiss. I landed on his chest and quickly managed to stand up and help him stand too. "Sorry about that." He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Don't worry it was actually funny if you think about it." I started laughing. 

"Are you laughing at me now?" He asks and starts tickling me everywhere, making me laugh even harder. I start to run in circles in my living room, just trying to escape him, while both of us are laughing hard. Suddenly I trip on my carpet and land on my couch.

With this, Jisung doesn't think twice and takes the opportunity to jump on top of me, with his legs on the sides of my body, making it impossible for me to run from him. He gives me a mischievous smirk before starting to tickle me once again, showing no mercy either. When my non-existent abs start to hurt from so much laughing, he finally stops and lets his body rest on top of me. When I start to feel a little uncomfortable because I can't breathe fully, Jisung notices this and in a single movement he turns us and I'm the one on top of him. His arms rest on my waist, and now my face is at the same level as his.

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