Tile Flip Part 2: Fighter and Support

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Sunshine spreads through every inch of the kingdom in the sky. The action-craved crowds watched in anticipation for the players matched in the Minigame.

It was the behemoth in blue armour, the Iron Beast, versus none other than Pala, the herbologist.

"What the heck do they expect me to do!" Pala almost screamed the words with fear and intimidation upon his opponent who was standing infront of him.

He was forced to raise his head just to meet the Robot's petrifying gaze since it was taller than anyone he had ever seen.

With fear clouding his thoughts, Pala parts his lips to force a nervouse smile and weekly waved at the robot.

"H-hello!" He says. His voice cracking due to the intimidation.
"I don't think you've noticed but I... Bring you no harm so let me just surrender okay?"

Before Pala realised it a bell chimed across the area before the announcers Spoke though a virtual hologram.

"The Match may now begin!"

"Wait! No! I surrende--" Before Pala could finish, The Iron Beast charges at him like a bulldozer to a ruined building.

Then with a powerful leap, the Iron Beast slams hist right knuckle to the ground, emitting a powerful blast that not only scattered the dust but flipped and changed the color of the tiles into purple. The flipped tiles travelled like a wave towards Pala and knocked him out of his footing and into the air before crashing on the floor.

The Imapala got up rather quickly despite his weak posture but curled into a ball on the floor in a poor effort to protect himself from another attack.

But the Iron Beast didn't seem to have any intentions in harming him in the first place. The Behemoth turned to one side and leaped once more before punching the ground and shifting more tiles into purple but this time it used less force. Iron Beast repeated this action several times until Pala eventually understood the situation.

Feeling so helpless like a prey under a predator's capture, Pala gulped loudly. Until the a memory arrived in his mind. He recalled that one a player loses in a Minigame, the other party would have the opportunity to spare them as allies or recieve a reward. The thought stayed with him until he was sure that he possesses no skills or strength for other to side with him and will lose without a doubt.

This thought made him think about his friends. If he was to lose this match, then he knew he would never be able to see his friends in a long time or be free from this place. He did not want to meet that fate. He needed to prove to everyone that he too has the strength to fight even if he loses, at least he would lose fighting for the people he loves rather than surrendering.

With his mind set, Pala clenched his cane and slammed the bottom of it onto the floor to catch the Iron Beast's attention which worked.

"You know what?" Pala asked but waited no one to ask.
"I... I think... I've had enough" Pala says almost muttering.
"All my life, people called me lazy, weak, and pathetic... But not anymore! I won't tolerate this any longer! I know I won't not be able to defeat you, but if Yuu was in my shoes... He would still continue to fight! But I can't let Yuu or the others keep saving me and fighting my battles for me... Not this time..."

The Iron Beast clocked it's head to one side and turned its whole attention to Pala so it's body was now facing him.

"Iront Beast, or whatever you are... This time... I will fight you!" Pala screamed from his longs with his eyebrows creased and a gritted teeth to show his determination. From the looks of it, it seemed the robot looks rather impressed if examined hard enough.

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