Chapter 15: Epilogue of the Human and the Bunny, and an Escape Attempt

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It was a calm morning. The Running Man manages to appease their subject Instructors and received a day off of school as a reward.

Yuu decided to do his workout in Kuga's Room where he and the Tiger did a friendly Spar.

Liu was inside his room as well, trying to fix Yuu's busted jacket after his battle with Salena. Each time he tweaked with the Jacket's new upgrades, a small explosive spark occurs and shocks the bug. Giving him more determination to finish this tough task.

Miyo went out for a walk around the Building along with Salena and they made a friendly chat.

As the rest seemed to be enjoying their day off, one particular member of their group seemed to be at the edge.


Sitting on the front steps outside of the facility, Lonky nervously bit his fingernails as he moved his leg up and down restlessly.
Shifting glancing left and right, looking like he was trapped in an endless nightmare that keeps getting worse and worse.

"I'm gonna go crazy! I can't take this anymore! I can't handle following orders and attending the classes! I need to get out of this Hell! I need to escape!!!"

Lonky panicked in his thoughts, sweat dripping down from his forehead as he glanced in all directions. Searching for even the smallest possibility of escaping.

But alas, there was nothing. The Guards were heavily armed and strict. All maintaining a careful eye on him.

Then, all of a sudden, the same Pululu that once tried to escape ran past him. Charging towards the endpoint and leaping only to be electrocuted once more by the barrier. The Pululu collapsed in disappointment before two security guards arrived and dragged the unconscious Pululu to Detention.

With Lonky as a witness, he tried to think carefully about his next action.

"No... I need to plan this carefully. Or else I'll end up like that idiot. I have to find a way to escape if I were to get out of this place alone... Then I can go to my Father and Mother, the King and Queen of the Giraffe tribe and ask them to free my friends and enslave this Pululus!"

"Yes... I am going to escape"

Lonky failed to realize that he had mumbled the last part of his sentence.

Soon after, Popo and Pala appeared in front of him with wide smiles.

"Escape?" Pala repeated.

"You plan to leave here without us?" Popo followed up as the Giraffe screamed and leaned back in surprise before recollecting his posture.

"Oh, it's just you two. I think it's going to be much easier if I let you two tag along with me" Lonky replied with a smile and an eyebrow raised. Looking as if he had a foolproof plan until his eyes immediately became covered in fear after realizing who was standing behind Popo.

Seeing Lonky's expression made Popo confused until turning his head around and saw Zola standing behind him.

The penguin screamed in surprise before Zola screamed as well but the female Pululu was almost panicking, unlike Popo. As if she's easily startled.

After a few seconds of screaming, Zola realized what happened and immediately cleared her throat before showing her dominant posture.

"... Popo! Attempting to escape! Minus 20 points!" She pointed at the penguin.

"What?! Lonky! This is all your fault!!!" Popo blamed the Giraffe who pretended that he knows nothing.

"Why are you blaming me all of a sudden?" Asked the Giraffe before their attention was diverted when they saw Pala sniffing the air aggressively like a wolf tracking its prey.

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