Special Chapter (Future): Happy Valentines Day

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(This chapter is for the future plot of the story. This story is set in a month after the Running Man freed The Old City from Akong's influence and decided to stay in that city for a while just until they are content.
I just thought I needed to make a special Chapter to celebrate the day of the broken heart- I mean... day of the lovers! Yeah! That's it! Hehe. Anyways, as I said, I want celebrate Valentine's day to give a slight added flavour to this fanfiction even though Valentine's day is over. Although, I'm pretty sure this chapter won't turn out like any of you would expect. Because I don't even know how this will turn out. That's how my mind works.
Without further Ado, let's start the story, shall we?!
P. S; this might be a very long chapter so it would mean a lot to me if you guys actually manage to read the whole thing :>)

It was morning in the Old City, the warm, crisp, light of the morning sun arose the city from its slumber as many got out of their bed with smiles and cheers emitting from them. Yes. Today is the day where confidence reigns supreme as the most romantic personality ever. The day where pink paper, a box of chocolate, and a stem of rose are given to others which brings smiles and "Kilig" (look it up on Google) on their faces. And it's also the day for others to feel very, very, very, very... Lonely and cause burning sensations on their eyes that diverts their attention away whenever they see two people holding hands in front of them on this particular day. That's correct, today, is Valentine's Day and nobody celebrated this day more than the Pululus.

Fireworks are displayed on the side. Banners with hearts and streamers shaped also like a heart were hung above the tall buildings. Countless chocolate and flower shops open as far as the eyes could see. And faint music that the Pululu sang as they decorated the city with the help of the Running Man, who was also feeling the Valentines Spirit

However, one particular person felt different from the rest on this day. Specifically, that person felt contradicted to the idea that this day exists. That one person just drowsily hot out of his bed and opened the window on his dorm room and witnessed the decorations that all of the Pululus have prepared.

And as a response, he frowned and sighed. Yep... That person is Yuu.

"This sight hurts my eyes... And I haven't even used my ability in a while..."

After several minutes, the bandaged man took a solo stroll around the city. Casually walking with both hands inside his pocket, his body was slightly bent downwards as he glanced from side to side. Watching the Pululus set up the pink decorations while others were laughing while holding hands.

"Maybe we should have just joined Rema in going back home. At least I wouldn't have to be here in the city that celebrates this day like it's their last..."

He walked past a green Pululu kneeling on the ground and handing another pink Pululu a bouquet of rose that made the pink Pululu flush in embarrassment and joy.

Yuu rolled his eyes in response and proceeded to walk in a straight direction, moving slightly faster whenever he sees more over-romantic couples.

After minutes of walking, Yuu manages to encounter one of his friends. It was Lonky and Popo and both of them were helping the Pululus set up the decoration to hang them on the large buildings.

"I see you two are busy?" Said the human and capturing their attention.

"Yeah... We've been working here for hours!" Replied the exhausted Giraffe who was previously carrying multiple Pululus on his head to raise them before walking towards the Human.

"These Pululus take Valentine's day way too seriously" The penguin added as he floated down towards their level with a flying Card above his head. "I just saw a Pululu proposed to his partner just now from above!"

Running Man Blood in Bandages 2: Survivalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن