Part 18- The Whole New World

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Upon talking to the people handling this place, we all learned lots of stuff like other groups. Groups that were organized just like this one. People just like this one. But there were also greedy groups that raid. Steal, kill, and repeat.

"The defence we have are not for the undead, but for the live ones. The evil and greedy ones that lived through the hell we all went through." Kameno said. We were in a room.

The room consisted of people who were leading this colony. A radio can be found on the table, as someone is attending to it, fixing the problems. It worked sometimes, they said, they used it to contact the others.

"You guys don't get anymore frequency or anything?." Brett asked. In which the bearded man said no. "It has been 2 days since we lost contact. It has only been months since this alliance with the rest started." Kameno replied.

"We would like to send you and your friends to check on the others. Of course, some of us would come as well." he added. In which we agreed to.

We stayed the night in the place and decided to wait for 2 more days before taking on the adventure. During this time, we made up our minds to send out 10 people, 5 of us, 5 of them. It was done to maintain the balance on the group.

Me, Brett, Shikimura, Aya, and Clancy for our group while the other 5 came from the people of the colony.

We packed up food that would last for a week and weapons of our choice. There were lots, from an axe, a gun, a machete, a knife, a bat, a 2x2 piece of wood. You name it.

We went out and are now on the streets of Old Yok City. Our travel was estimated to take at least 3 days.

It was smooth sailing all the way. We made stops to eat and sleep.

We had some bumps, like stumbling upon a horde of zombies. We just walked around them through the buildings.

The smell was unbearable, and the sight was unforgettable.

Upon leaving the building, we were able to take in the vast and empty city. It was devastating. Just 2 days, and there were no government. Buildings reduced to ashes. People die a miserable death.


It has been 3 days since we left and we have arrived at the other place. I took a peek at the gaps on the waĺl and saw people with guns. It seemed to have been a hostage situation. They had been raided.

We decided to hide it out for now on a nearby building. "So, what do we do?." Aya asked. "We help them." a man named Jordy suggested. " How do you  propose to do that? There are 10 of us and approximately 30 of them." Clancy asked.

"We do it, fast and quiet." Arkon, the leader of our group, said. He had been assigned to lead us, for he was the smartest and strongest among us.

"Be ready, first thing tomorrow, we go." Arkon said afrer the planning. "And if we fail?." Brett asked.

"Failure is not an option. This New World we live in, always will have life or death situations. We can not afford to fail." said Arkon. I got the chills..

To be continued...

Fear the Dark - Female reader (Zombie Apocalypse )Where stories live. Discover now