Part 16-More Problems?

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I opened my eyes and the bright light from the sun covers my vision.I fixed my sitting position from laying my head on Brett's shoulder to sitting up straight.

We had assigned Mikey as the driver for today, we changed drivers from time to time like last time.Stopping only for quick runs to a store or for gas.We have been very lucky.

I stood up from my seat slowly to avoid waking Brett up.I then headed to the front of the bus to check up on Mikey. "Mikey?,why did we stop?". He looked at me with a worried face. "How do I put this... we might have to go on foot.". He said. "Why?". "The road is blocked, and we've been driving for a week.Our spare gas is done.When I looked at the map,even if we go around we would have to go on foot.Which would take longer.". Well this is a problem.

"So, goodmorning everyone.I'm sure you guys know what's going on?". I announced which they nodded to. "Without further ado, let's go.Take your stuff and stay alert..Don't die." I said lastly, then stepped outside the bus with a baseball bat.Each of us had our own weapon now.We had more than enough time on the bus to make one each.

"Just like we talked about, stay close.". We are now walking throught the city.Surprisingly not many zombies could be seen.Just a few strugglers here and there.Nothing we couldn't handle.

While walking, we stumbled upon dead zombies.Each meter we took, the amount of dead undead increased.We came to the middle of an intersection where a large hole could be found.

I look up and see most glass on the nearby buildings was destroyed and the hole looked like an impact mark of a missile. "The government must've launched their missiles on major cities to kill as much of the undead as possible.". "Let's continue.". We walked through the place and looted stores we saw while still sticking together. "Stay in groups of 7.".So we did, until we reached the other end of the city.

We walked through the streets heading to the highway.Checking open cars for food or anything.We found some canned food and stashed them inside the bags.

We were doing fine, until someone accidentally activated a car alarm.

"Stop!". Jerry yelled.We halted and looked at him.I soon took notice of what he saw, and so did Brett. "Take cover, behind the cars!".Brett yelled.I hurried over to the nearest car and hid.There were people following us.I took a peek and saw the people with guns that Jerry noticed.Two of them had guns while the 5 others had melee items.Luckily we were in an intersection so there were enough cars for all of us.The alarm must've alerted people nearby.

I lowered my head and looked to my back. "Shikimura, can you distract them,i'll use my gun.".I requested. "Ok..". He said nervously.He stood up and walked away from the car going towards the strangers.

"Give us your things, food anything." Said a man while holding Shikimura at gunpoint. "Tell your friends not to move too,you couldn't have possibly survived alone.". he followed up."You 5, check on the other behind the cars."

"Anatahadare?".Shikimura spoke in Japanese to distract the guy. "Can you speak in English?"

"Īe, eigo wa arimasen".I took the gun that Vance used from my bag,It still had ammo.I loaded it and mouthed the others to be ready. "I still can't understand, just Stay Here,ok?" the guy said clearly.

"Ā, kuso yarō, shinu junbi o shite oke" Shikimura smirked. "Why the f*ck are you smirki-".I shot him before he could finish.The others ganged on the poor 5 of the bandits.I shot him again and again until he didn't breath.The other guy was frozen and scared.Losing focus despite also having a gun.

I aimed the gun at the last guy, and shot him in the head "Take the guns.We will need it."I said.The other bandits were killed in the process aswell.We had no choice.Right? "Let's leave, before anyone else arrives."

"It had to be done.To protect ourselves,ok Y/N?".Brett hugged me from behind knowing what I felt.I cried in his embrace. "It was for self-defense, right?,and Vance.I didn't kill Vance ok." I freaked out. "No one said you did ok?,calm down please."

"I love you Brett",I said. "I love you too,Y/N.We'll all get through this and we will find our place in this changing and grim world ".Brett reassured.

I hope the Google translation is

Fear the Dark - Female reader (Zombie Apocalypse )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя