Part 4-Birthday

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A Birthday Special for my Friends


Holy sh*t,that was too close.I looked behind me to see half of them waking up.I hurriedly went to my spot and pretended to sleep.

I decided to give the food in the morning.I fell asleep again....


The sunrises.No cars can be heard and the only noise were screams and gunshots.It really is the end of days.This is the first time I've heard the city so silent.

I looked took the curtain and made it into an SOS sign to ask for help.I closed the window with a little opening for the curtain.

After a while,the others woke up.

Did I forget something?Oh right its her birthday today.It's Fame and Jerry's birthday today.(Real Friends of mine)

I stood up and took some snacks and readied it as a sort of party for them.The others saw me and helped me also remembering the celebration.We all got rid of negative thoughts and fixed a small party.

A cake made out of a cupcake like food and a biscuit on the top and bottom with the dress as left curtains.We did it all silently of course.Both to not wake her up and attract the "zombies" yeah from the movies.

"Happy Birthday Jerry and Fame!"We all said happily without a mark of sadness and despair from the outside.It was like another world,peaceful happy.Tho,we all knew this was not for long and it would only take hours before fear strikes back.

We all were happy,veryyy happpyyyy.....

Next Day

One day has passed,half of our food gone.We might've been a little too carried away.F*ck it go with the flow.I'll jist go for another run to the locker.It's still half full.I told them the plan and they surprisingly agreed.We formed a group and formation.5 of us will go and retrieve food until rescue comes.If they come.

We are now outside the room.Walking through the corridor.Again no zombies.We took food in the locker.Now returning to the room.That went too smoothly.Huh?

Oh cr*p,the door to the room was full of zombies.They noticed us.They came and run to our direction.I stalled them while the others ran.Brett was in the room for anyone wondering.

I slammed him with my broom and his head explodes.Blood splatters.Another one comes near.I ready my stance and hit him too.Also dead....I ran after my classmates.


Upon arriving,I see my classmates dead,head gun,body parts on the wall.How did this happen?

I suddenly feel the ground shake,as I look behind me and see a giant zombie.I was stunned and horrified.What the hell?After the shock,I quickly ran away from the giant.


The Giant roars and destroys things on his path both zombies and walls.I turn on every corridor but it was no use.How did he even fit?The Giant catches up to me,and he hits me and sends me flying.Then everything turned black.I went unconscious.....

Fear the Dark - Female reader (Zombie Apocalypse )Where stories live. Discover now