Part 11-Oh...the misery.....

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5 Days Later


5 days has passed ever since Vance killed himself,the gang is currently in the forest,a very ominous one at that.We used some tent we found in the mall and slept there,we also made campfires,tho we put it out after a few hours to not attract any living or dead beings. 

It felt like that episode in The Walking Dead were they camped in a forest.We knew this was temporary...but we engulfed ourselves of the peaceful feeling we knew wouldn't be felt again in this new world.

Fire crackling,the night sky,birds chirping,water splashing these could sounds be heard but it still felt empty.No cars,city light.It's like a whole other place,or a video game.But it wasn't.

I look upon his face while he was roasting a rabbit.Yeah... a rabbit,we casually went on hunting for deer,rabbit and other animals while the ladies gathered logs.Of course accompanied by weapons.

He's face,I couldn't take my eyes off him.He was like a rainbow attracting my interest.His face glowed at night.I decided to go to my tent and sleep,since i'm part of the scouting group for tomorrow.

I tuck myself in a no-so-comfy makeshift bed.It stinked and flies were everywhere,but sleeping was very easy probably because of the everyday hassle.We also made better weapons like a spear,bow,sword.We made it with tape and the sword was made of wood and a knife.Same as the spear.The spear is technically just a sword but longer.

I opened my eyes and stumbled upon darkness.I look around and see stars,shining bright like a diamond.Pun intended.

A tree could be spotted,it was the only thing there,a tree.A very tall one.Then a boom could be heard and a light from above shines brighter.A beautiful sight like from that anime movie titled Your Name.A comet with a beautiful trail caught my eyes.What is happening I thought.

A hear a growl behind me so I look back.It was my friends,all of them,dead.What the hell?They walked towards me growling louder,I took my step back slowly fearing them.Why?Please wake up....PLEASE! 

Help me...

Then there were gunshots.

I opened my teary eyes.What was that dream?

I sat up straight tearing my eyes out,sobbing.I took some time to compose myself and luckily no one saw me cry.That would be embarrassing.I wiped tears from my eyes. 

I stood up and opened the tent.The sun shines and blinds my eyes.I brush my eyes and stand up.Most of them were already up.It was probably like 8 or 9 am.We were to go hunting at 10 am before the sun peaks.So it wouldn't be too hot.

Y/N:So,you guys ready?

Jen:I don't know,but I think so...right?

Brett:This is our groups first run right,we should be cautious.

Kurt:Guess so.

Mint:You guys be careful ok.

Y/N:Sure thing.Well we should get going.

And so we went.Our target was Target.Not kidding.Most of the time we hid behind cars or buldings.But we didn't guess it would turn out so bad.

Again,dead bodies and no other humans could be found.Not even a sound.We were sneaking throu-*clank*.

Eyes wide open,we look at the source of the noise Jen accidentally hit the car.

The car alarm went off and attracted every dead things around it.

Fuck me.

We run and headed inside the Target store however we were not stuck inside.Come on,how unlucky can we be.

Brett:That was close.

Y/N:Yeah,everyone ok?

Kurt:I think so.

Jen:I'm very sorry,I didn't mean to.

Y/N:It's fine Jen,we should think of a way to escape.

Right,that's what we did.What would the others at camp do...Crap,this could be a recipe for disaster.Oh..the misery...How could we escape our ENEMY.


P.S.:Corny amputa......

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