"Yep," Addie said with a sigh. She started to crack her knuckles. "But you're one to talk. Aren't you also working on an album right now?"

Harry laughed, a carefree and light sound. Addie found that his laughter was like a drug. Once you pulled out of him once, you just couldn't stop. You always wanted him to be laughing.

And the joy Addie got from making him laugh was incomparable to anything else.

"Maybe. Are we going to be each other's competition?"

"You know damn well I'll win. You may have a pretty face, but I've got the pretty music."

Harry chuckled. "So you think I've got a pretty face?"

Addie laughed once. "Of course that's what you focus on." She paused a beat. "Yeah, you're... you're beautiful, Haz."

There was a silence, as Harry's gaze softened, and something between them changed.

Going from playful and vibrant to something softer and more delicate. Like they were finally letting each other put their defenses down.

Abandoning all plans and schemes, leaving themselves barren save for their fragile hearts.

"Addie... would you like to-?" Harry began, interrupted by a door opening and shutting in Addie's house.

Addie looked up, and held up a finger to Harry. "Hold on a second, sorry," she muttered, and opened her door, to find her Mom waiting for her on the other side.

"Nena, ya está la cena," her Mom said.

Addie looked towards her phone, and said to her mom, "Sip, voy, Mamá."

She closed the door, grabbing her phone from the bed. "Hey, sorry, it's just that my family's here and we're about to have dinner, so..." Addie said, giving him an apologizing look. "I think I'll have to call you later, okay?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it. Have fun."

Addie grinned. "Thanks."


Addie's hands shook, something inside her whispering to her again and again, do it, do it, do it, do it.

Her mind told her not to. Logic told her not to.

But her heart told her to do it.

So with unsteady hands, she let the blade settle on her skin, holding her breath as she slowly dragged it over her arm.

One. Two. Three.

Switch to the other side.

One. Two.

Addie winced, looking at the bead of blood rolling down her wrist. Thin and scarce, but there was blood nonetheless.

That would be painful to clean, she knew it. Grabbing the box cutter and hiding it once again, just out of sight, under the sink, behind a mess of cleaning supplies.

Jumping up and sitting down beside the sink, she used her hand to cup the water and drop it against her hip. Cleaning with soap, she hissed at the burning sensation.

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