Chapter Six

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**Time Jump 2011 - 4 years later** 

. . . .  STEVE POV. . . .

"So what you're saying is the base has disappeared and no one can get in or out of it?" Steve frowns at Fury. 

"We have sent drones in, but they get spit right back out again." He shows Steve a lab full of drones that have been smashed to pieces or broken and some two halves of technology. 

"Why is this one so old?" Steve looks at it, one half appearing to be glitching like in a game. 

"It wasn't, this was brand new Tony Stark tech." Fury says "but when it came out . . ." 

"It was old Howard Stark tech?" Fury nods. 

"What about people, have you sent men in?" 

"Not yet, but the power and radiation we're monitoring is getting weaker, and we have discovered this. . . " Fury flicks up an another image on the monitors Steve was still getting used to. "Heat signatures." 

"People?"  Fury nods. 

"So what Hydra is active?" 

"Unlikely, about 4 years ago a group of fanatics, hardly on the radar for genuine danger but criminals SHEILD had been keeping close tabs on, incase they found what they were looking for, went missing, vanished. We believe it's them. But whatever shield they're using isn't going to last and if there are people in there already, we might be safe to send someone in?" 

"And thats where I come in?" Fury nods once more. 

"If you're ready?" 

"Y/N was in that base, it's where I sent her. I lost both her and Bucky that day." 

"Captain, I need you to be focused on this one" Fury warns "As far as the world is concerned Miss America is dead, so you'll either find a skeleton in there or . . ." 


"If there this is the facility you say it is, Hydra managed to keep her alive?" 

"I'll be cautious." Steve assures him. 

"Just in case, I'm sending you in with a friend." 

. . . . BACK TO NORMAL POV. . . . .

You're baking, watching Bucky play with his son in the back garden a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. But the blissfulness is ripped from you as the sky beginnings to flicker between the sun and a grey stormy looking cloud. You see Bucky and *choose your sons name - I'll write S/N* Looking up at the sky alarmed. Bucky picks him up and brings him inside. You drop the bowl you were using when you find your kitchen also switching between your beautiful home and some empty abandoned facility. 

"Doll whats going on?" S/N beings to cry. "Hey buddy its alright. . ." You heart breaks at the sight of it, so you close your eyes and try to focus, putting everything back to normal. You open you eyes balance. 

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." You stroke your sons hair, here, there's a lovely cake on its way, why don't you wash your hands and come back and it'll be ready." You kiss his cheek as he smiles, suddenly a lot happier. 

"What was that?" Bucky looks at you after S/N goes running off. 

"What was what?" You can't look at him. 

"The sky Y/N. .  you know full well what I'm talking about?" 

"I was just trying to keep the weather away. . . I must have lost concentration." You still avoid looking at him as you use your powers to speed the cake along. 

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