Chapter 26 - The Mountain of Mush

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There was no reason to sell it. He would get a lot of money, but he didn't need money. Portions weren't that easy to buy anyway.

Could he trust him...was not a question that he had to think about. A No Class in his past life got the potion and got help from it.

'Thinking about it, what happened to that guy.'

The one who got the potion in his past life. Thinking about it, the person who should have gotten didn't because of Sungmin.

'It's not my problem.'

He opened the wooden box. There was a white colored potion inside. As he picked up the potion, the knight went close to the door. He wanted to provide a defense.

He put the potion in his mouth. The potion melted as it touched his tongue. It wasn't delicious. There really wasn't any flavor.

Sungmin slowly used the Amethyst Cloud. The inner strength in his body was welcoming the strength from the potion. He would swirl the inner strength of the potion in his body. He couldn't take all of the power. The potion was after the stage of refinement, but not all the energy could be collected.

Usually about a half could be collected. The other energy was either excreted or split in the bloodstream.

But the Amethyst Cloud was a great technique. When he had finished the process, he had collected almost ⅔ of the inner strength given by the potion. The other ⅓ also melted inside the bloodstream. It was the same for Wijihoyun's inner strength. The Amethyst Cloud would slowly move the inner strength towards Sungmin's abdomen where his power stayed.

"Are you done?"

When Sungmin opened his eyes, the knight asked. Sungmin breathed lightly and lifted himself.

"Yes. Thank you."

His body was filled with power. It was something he had never felt before.

"Your martial arts power. It's pretty good. How is it? I could ask the lord to make you an apprentice knight if you wanted."

The knight asked. To the knight, Sungmin was probably a genius in his eyes.

"Ah... thank you for the offer...but no thank you. I have to do other things."

"Ah, that's too bad."

The knight was a bit sad at that, but he didn't ask anymore. To be honest, it was a good offer. Anyone could be a mercenary, but not anyone could be a knight.

But he didn't linger on it. He went outside the waiting room.

He was leaving Genavis. There was no change in plans.

"I wanted to say bye."

There wasn't a place he wasn't going to leave without saying bye. He had left for a year. There were a few relationships.

"I thought so."

First, Hans. He was a person that gave him great deals. He had sold things at fair prices, and he had also given him an interdimensional pocket.

"I heard that you would win the No Class Fight. To be fair, I thought you would have left earlier. You finished cleaning up the woods in half a year."

Hans laughed. Even though Han's generosity was from mistaking Sungmin's talent, Sungmin still felt glad for Hans.

"Probably for you, you'll be all right anywhere you go. You have good sense."

Like me. Hans laughed showing his teeth. He pulled out a small bag from his pocket and tossed it to Sungmin.

Possessing Nothing Novel (쥐뿔도 없는 회귀)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang