Keep It Righteous: Chapter 2

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"So, would you like to tell me what all of that was about?" At his leisure, Righteous Lad flies over the city. Far above enough to where the pedestrians below look almost like ants.

"What? No! I've got nothing to say to you!" The criminal the hero was securely holding by the armpits responds.

"No? You were willing to take a handful of lives back there... You sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?" Tyson presses calmly.

"Nope. My lips? Are sealed. And that's that."

"Huh, alright. Then tell me a bit about yourself."

"What could I possibly tell you, dude? You want me to tell you about my upbringing or something? You're not pulling one over on me." The stubborn criminal responds.

"No tricks. I just want to know a bit about you. Got a name?"

"Pffft! Like I'd just help you I.D. me."

"Well, where we're going, it's going to happen either way. The station will certainly figure out who you are. But if you're really so against telling me your real name, how about an alias?" Righteous Lad suggests.

"An alias? Well, I guess go by 45 when I'm on the job."


"Yeah. Like, foot soldier #45." The masked man answers.

"I see... Seems a bit odd. That guy, the one with the French accent, implied that he isn't too fond of individualists. Are you really comfortable being a number in someone else's ideology? Giving up who you are for the sake of someone else?"

"Well, when you put it that way, that does sound pretty awful. But you know, he did make some good points. He told me I didn't have to spend my life slaving away at a job that means absolutely nothing in the long-term, and that I deserve better than the fat cats who sit at the top, raking in the benefits of the hard work people like me put up with." #45 answers.

"That's... A rather flawed way of looking at things. Sounds like that guy has an unhealthy, counterproductive, and spiteful view of the world. May I ask what was your previous job?"

"An employee at McTowners. Helped with cooking mostly."

"Ah, I see. Did you hate working there?"

"Hate? Ehh... Not really. It seemed alright for a while, but after meeting Pierre, I was able to see it for what it truly was."

"Interesting." Is all Righteous Lad says before he begins descending, eventually placing #45 down onto his feet atop of the roof of a tall building. The act draws confusion over the foot soldier's face.

"Hey, what gives? You're not gonna' leave me up here, are you?"

"No, of course not. Just thought we'd stop here and talk a bit more. You hungry by any chance?" Righteous Lad asks. In turn, he receives a skeptical frown from the other.

Some times passes. More or less twenty minutes or so, and the two are now sitting side by side on the ledge of the roof while having lunch together.

"Mmmph... Mmm! Oh man, this is like--" Righteous Lad takes his first bite of his burger and is left fumbling over his words at what could only really be described as a radical raid on his taste buds. 

"Like...! I don't know, it's just unbelievably good!"

"Right!? I told ya, dude. The crispy Spicy-sweet jerk chicken sandwich is totally legit! It's pretty much the best chicken sandwich in the US. Maybe even the whole freakin' world!" #45 Boasts with absolute confidence before he begins taking a crunchy bite out of his own burger. The two sit in a moment of brief silence to savor their meal. Several bites and nearly an entire minute later, the foot soldier speaks up again.

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