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Days and days go by. Time Naeth and Galivinth spend trading simple cultural knowledge, honing magic accessibility, and enjoying the simple things in life together. Though, their forming bond isn't quite at a level where either of the two could call the other a 'friend' just yet.

"You know..." Naeth begins, currently waltzing over to take a seat beside his relative on the grassy space of the park. Before uttering another word, he hands a chilled bottle of water to Galivinth - who doesn't hesitate to accept and proceed to take a big swig from it.

"You're more terrible at this than I thought you'd be." Comes his raw honesty.

"Hnnn... I had a feeling you'd say that." Is Galivinth's response after swallowing down his drink. He's been  sweating underneath the sun from training, his heart rate only beginning to ease down upon deciding to take a break half a minute prior.

"Don't get me wrong. You've definitely made visible progress. You've graduated to that of a casual dabbler, at least." Naeth admits, taking a moment to open his own water bottle and help himself to a fresh drink. Then, he continues.

"You're able to tap into the source of magic without trouble now, but that's when you're not in the heat of the moment. You can barely cast while running, let alone remember half of the incantations you wanted to learn."

"Yeah, I know.. It's tough. I am trying my best, though." Galivinth responds.

"I don't doubt it. However, I think you just need to be sculpted within the fire. Learn under a different pace."

"Alright, but how do you figure I do that? I know I can shoot lightning and water out of my hands now, but I'm no Captain Righteous or Alexecute."

"Who?' Naeth asks with an arching brow.

"They're superheroes. You don't know who Captain Righteous is? Alexecute I could understand... She's still relatively new."

"Oh. Now that I think about it, I think I've heard of that 'Captain' individual before. Not much at all, but still. Anyway, that's irrelevant. Comparing yourself to others doesn't deflect the responsibility of improving yourself. I can help and be there with you during the process, but you're the one who has to put himself in motion to achieve the next level. Are you prepared to keep pushing?" Naeth lectures, ending with a question of resolve.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm definitely prepared to keep pushing. I want to get better at this." Galivinth answers.

"Good. Then I'm going to have you participate in Conquest Bout with me."

"Conquest Bout?" Galivinth repeats.

"The sport I was playing when you came to visit Cryo Kingdom City. It's a very competitive sport, especially back on our home planet."

"Oh, yeah. My father told me a bit about it when we were watching. Sounded pretty simple enough."

"I'm glad you think so, because there's little time to think once you're engaging the opposite team. It's strategy and almost constant action." Naeth informs him.

"I see... Should we do some kind of practice match or something first?"

"Indeed! I'm going to be bringing along four associates of mine who are well versed in the sport here with me next time. I'll give you a day or so to rest up, and for them to clear up their schedules." And after speaking those words, Neath rises to stand.

"In fact, I should head back now and get that sorted out as soon as possible. Besides, we're done here for today."

"Oh, alright. Yeah, I think we did plenty of training for today. I definitely worked up a sweat." Galivinth agrees, also now rising to stand. Stretching his arms skyward after doing so.

Gray Heroics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now